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I'm a new player and I just got pirated by a RepEx player in California. He told me to give him all my gold or he will shoot. He shot me and I died, because I refused. I was working for USI and he said that because of the Liberty-Rheinland war, I was an enemy to him and that justified his pirating. Since I'm a new player I got a few questions about this:

Is he even allowed to be in California if he is part of a shipping company?

Just because there is a war on, doesn't mean shipping companies need to be fighting it. Doesn't the military fight the war, and the shipping companies stay away from the hostile houses. Is this even allowed?

On the Wiki entry for RepEx, it says they are neutral with Liberty companies. How can he pirate a neutral faction?
' Wrote:You could try looking at his ID a bit more closely.

I tried looking at his reputation closely and it says I'm neutral with him.

His RP was incredibly bad so thats why I thought he was breaking some kind of rule.
His ID allows him to pirate you.

Also, if it was something like RepEx|Shipping-###, I can guess who it was.

Your rep has nothing to do with it.

Did you check the link in my post? His ID lets him shoot you. If my Wild kills so many BHG that the Order become neutral, the Order players can still shoot me. Your NPC rep means nothing when it comes to player interactions. Nothing at all.

EDIT: Boss, do you even need to guess anymore? You know who it was as soon as you see the word "pirate" in a rules thread.
From what I gather, RepEx is a Rheinland company and USI predominantly does business in Liberty. That could be why.
I love how everyone assumes my RP is "incredibly bad" when I pirate them. Sorry, but 1) I can't type while you're spamming the cruise button. 2) I can't type while I'm persuading you to give me what I want. I'm not Terrance. 3) Talking =/= RP. RP = Playing a role, in this case, of someone trying to hurt the Libertonian economy. A Role that I, in this case, stayed in, and a job that my character fullfilled.
' Wrote:EDIT: Boss, do you even need to guess anymore? You know who it was as soon as you see the word "pirate" in a rules thread.

Well, actually, there's only one RepEx I know of who'd even bother to act on his ID >.>

He happens to be reading this thread.

But if it were some other faction, I know a few.

EDIT: Dammit.
I'm reading this thread... is it me?
I suppose I'm one of the only people who remembers when Black Talon worked with the RM, and was in discussion for supporting the Rheinland war effort if hostilities broke out.

As they said his ID grants him the right to target you as a commercial enemy of Rheinland.

That said Terry isn't the only one who can do that.
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