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Hey everyone,

Ever since I started playing Disco, I've been struggling with how to set up my main character's ID and tag. Nothing ever seems to fit quite right, so I'm throwing the question out for general help. Here are the relevant facts:

1. Character is sold lawful.
2. Character is roughly 70% trader/miner, 30% mercenary (actively defends self and other lawfuls, occasionally takes lawful missions if it fits the character's moral sense)
3. Character flies a Spatial.
4. Character is mostly a loner, but with strong loyalty to the Zoners and at least weak loyalty to most lawfuls.

Right now, I have a Zoner ID and no tag. The description that goes with the ID suits me fine: I can trade, hunt pirates, escort, etc and must stay lawful. However, my character spends a fair amount of time shooting pirates to defend himself and other lawfuls. I'm pretty sure that if I keep this up, someone is going to yell at me for violating Zoner neutrality, and they may have a case. Right now, I'm sort of fudging it as being "unofficially" associated with the Zoners, but I don't know if that holds water with the community or not.

The problem is, I don't know if I have any better options. Trader ID doesn't account for the character's fighting side and a Merc ID doesn't account for his trading side. Neutral ID would preclude all PvP, which is boring.

Plus, there's the tag problem. I've been able to avoid a tag so far, but I want to be able to get full green with certain factions without getting a tag I don't want. The only solution is to have a tag I do want, and the options are slim-to-none.

Anyway, long story short, what do you recommend? If you were me, what tag/ID combo would you pursue? If you have any other questions about the character's nature, feel free to ask. Thanks in advance!
Sounds like a Trader ID with a Zoner tag is what you're looking for. Trader IDs actually allow you to do quite a bit of fighting... Hunt pirates, etc. Just no unlawful or military actions, and no bounty hunting (though you may be able to take lawful bounties against pirates, I'm not sure).

The way I see it, is if you have a specific NPC faction tag (such as Zoner), along with a fitting generic ID (such as Trader), that pretty much means you're "unofficially" aligned with the NPC faction, but are more of a freelancer.
' Wrote:Sounds like a Trader ID with a Zoner tag is what you're looking for. Trader IDs actually allow you to do quite a bit of fighting... Hunt pirates, etc. Just no unlawful or military actions, and no bounty hunting (though you may be able to take lawful bounties against pirates, I'm not sure).

The way I see it, is if you have a specific NPC faction tag (such as Zoner), along with a fitting generic ID (such as Trader), that pretty much means you're "unofficially" aligned with the NPC faction, but are more of a freelancer.

Thoughtful question. Thoughtful response.

As to a Zoner affililiation, I see no problems. At least, none so great that they can't be " 'splained, Luci.. ". And the Trader ID seems to fit your character.

Good luck keepin' that Zoner reppie full green. Ever juggle rotten tomatoes?

[color=#FF0000]SPOILER BELOW

I concur with both Mal & Drake.

A trader ID will be your best bet honestly. If you want more combat though, the mercenary ID does allow trading, but it can't be something constant. Considering your ship is a Spatial, the mercenary ID also suits your character.

Tag wise, Zoner is the way to go. Double bribe on Freeport 9. You do need to be green to either the BHG or Corsairs in order to get a double bribe on Freeport 9.
What about IMG?

Seems to me, the Independent Miner fits your worldview as good as anything -- trade, mine, and shoot bad guys. That way your RP isn't screwed when your rep goes red unlawfuls.
i have to agree with IMG

Zoners are a political faction. they have a truce with corsairs, cause they convinced the corsairs that they should rather focus on outcasts - and cause they made clear, that they "might" have a juggernaut in theta for retribution if any of the freeports were attacked.
they have a truce with outcasts cause they channeled the outcasts effords to focus on corsairs. its not what you d call a very solid peace. only omicron 54 is defended by zoners themselves.

IMG on the other hand bases on their individual strengh aswell as their ability to gather together and strike with the full power. they are a loose confederation of individuals, that all focus on exploring and unexpected riches. zoners rather tend to protect what they have, do some exploration, but not so much for gains, but rather for knowledge.

zoners like to pull strings while being utterly underestimated ( or at least they would like to ) - much of the zoners self understanding is being puppet masters and acting from the shadows, avoiding open conflicts whenever possible.
IMG actually pulls the levers if needed with force.

i would not expect a zoner juggernaut to actually attack another fleet, unless its a direct and desperate mission to protect freeport 9 or theta ( they wouldn t get involved into any battle anywhre else very much anyway ) - and that even if the juggernaut is one of the stronger Battleships.

but i would expect an IMG albatross to really hunt down pirates and unlawfuls if they want. they don t avoid conflicts if they don t really need to.

politicly, IMG is much weaker. they just go and do stuff. sometimes on the edge of law - but allways within the law though. zoners stick to the law, its their backbone, they play allies vs. allies if needed - and watch them fight. ( some might say - brillant, other might say, cowardice )
Thanks for the responses.

I've switched to a Trader ID, but I'm going to wait a while on the tag. Zoners is looking most likely right now, but I don't relish the difficulty I will have maintaining the tag. I don't think it's POSSIBLE for me to keep it full green most of the time when I'm even occasionally killing pirates.

I've considered IMG in the past, but I've had problems keeping them green two when doing my standard lawful/killing pirates stuff. Besides, they have their own set of politics that get troublesome, including their fairly deep involvement in the Bretonia-Kusari war.

At any rate, I have some time.:)I goofed when trying to set up my Zoners tag and got a single bribe. It looks like I'll have to wait until I'm back down to near neutral with them before I can do an effective double-bribe. So, in the meantime, tagless it is... it just means I'll have to come into Liberty space every once in a while to accept & cancel missions for LPI and LNF.

Getting the "Freelancer" tag would be an attractive option too, at least if it were possible...
The trader ID refers both to the trading ship AND the escort, so, yeah, the trader ID is the one for you.

BTW: I'm not sure if the Zoner tag would fit.. if your taking lawful missions, maybe you should be an "agent" for the GMG, they hire you to do some dirty work, dealing with Corsairs / Outcasts, escorting their transports, taking Good X to from one place to another, whatever else you can think of.

The zoner tag is not hard to maintain at all, contrary to popular belief.

A double bribe at the above mentioned spoiler is all you need.

I have a Zoner Tagged, mercenary ID'd character named "Octavius" I can kill whatever I want whenever I want with no effect on the characters rep tag. Hence why I chose Zoners for the tag.

On that character, all the tag represents for him is the fact that he is outwardly neutral to the rest of Sirius, but his Mercenary ID says "Screw with me, or my employer.. and you will be screwed." lol.

If you are looking for a no maintenance tag, Zoners is the way to go.

Honestly though, the IMG sounds kinda fun - I may start up a character my self to play as that faction.
' Wrote:I have a Zoner Tagged, mercenary ID'd character named "Octavius" I can kill whatever I want whenever I want with no effect on the characters rep tag. Hence why I chose Zoners for the tag.

Soo.. the "letter" of the law, without much regard for the "spirit", eh?

How much actual time do you spend keeping all other factions save Order and GMG in the "neutral zone" on your rep sheet? I do believe the info card suggests that's what you should be striving for.

Yeah, once you've got the Zoner Rep, it can drop a few bars, and still be flashin'. You're still a "Zoner" on face. But, do you bother to keep the Corsairs from becoming green? Outcasts from becoming red? Xenos happy?

Our most famous TAZ, Alan Kell, aka Ant, made an artform out of just such balance. In a way, it is also the Discordian ideal, which is why we plunked our butts down in "Zonerdom".

So, DO, you're right. You can play fast and loose with the ideals of peace and neutrality, and still appear to be a Zoner. Others can school you on that. Not I.

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