Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: Discovery RP 24/7 RP "B" server
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I would like to know when this server will be used. Maybe like a time of day it is up or a fancy sig like A&L has?
I would second that except for the fact that it appears to be extremely temporary in existance both in terms of the individual times when it is up and in terms of long term regular use.
I third it, I also want to know if the limit(s) will be raised back to 200? Two 200 people servers will let our current community stay but will attracts others.
It would also encourage more full Solari battleships that gloat and laugh as the "cowards" run from their superior firepower.

whut is this? can I get an explanation?
' Wrote:whut is this? can I get an explanation?

"This" could apply to a lot of things. Please explain your request for explanation.
We have two servers now but one is temporary. Thats is what they are talking about