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Want to watch an awesome moving on your day off and don't know where to start? Pick something from here, it let your fellow Disco-ites? Disco... li- Discovery Forum Members help you decide!

No Spam. This is the Media Section, so no +1ing.

Rules of the Thread:

* Post about a Movie (TV Shows fly too I guess)
* No porn
* If it's very R-Rated, don't go into details that break forum rules
* No insulting or flaming
* No spoliers
* Only post in the following format, if you want to comment about a post above you, post it in the foot notes

[u]Movie Name (Year):[/u] <words> (year)

[u]Synopsis/Plot;[/u] <words>

[u]Good Stuff:[/u] <words>

[u]Bad Stuff:[/u] <words>

[i]Related/Unrelated Footnotes:[/i] <words>

Allow me to begin,


Movie Name (Year): The Lion King (1994)

Synopsis/Plot: An Epic Animated Disney Tale about a Lion Cub on the Wild African Savanna, whose evil uncle usurps his father's crown and lets hyenas overrun the kingdom. Inspired a little by Hamlet and Richard III, the cub wanders until the day he's ready to return.

Good Stuff:
The Songs, if you like music
One of the best musicals of all time, and I don't even like musicals!
Very emotional, still Disney's best work
A true classic
Animation is truely awesome, especially for it's time

Bad Stuff:
The Songs, if you hate music
The Elton John and Tim Rice songs were a little annoying at times
I spilt my Coca Cola when I went to see this in the Cinema (I was about three), It was sticky and mum said I cried

Related/Unrelated Footnotes: My favourite movie of all time :3
Movie Name (Year): Stardust (year)

Synopsis/Plot; Young Man goes off to find a fallen star for who he believes is his true love, finding the star to be a beautiful young woman he nonetheless takes her back to his home or at least tries to, on the way he encounters murderous princes, evil witches and an airship captain with a love of an England he's never visited.

Good Stuff: Everything

Great acting from the main stars, superb support from the rest of the cast

Robert de Niro in a frock dancing to the can can.

Michelle Pfeiffer as the most evil of evil witches.

Cracking plot from Neil Gaiman.

A love story that's believable.

Bad Stuff:

Nope can't think of any.

Related/Unrelated Footnotes: By far my favourite movie of recent years. It's a beautiful piece. Can't recommend it enough.
Movie Name (Year): Seven Samurai (1954)

Synopsis/Plot; Japan, end of 16th century: A village gets plundered by bandits regularly, but eventually the villagers decide to hire Samurai for their protection.

Good Stuff: Story, Pictures, Characters.

Bad Stuff: It could be easier getting it.

Related/Unrelated Footnotes: "The Magnificent Seven" is a remake of this movie.
Movie Name (Year): Kick-Ass (2010)

Synopsis/Plot: A comic fan wonders why nobody tries to be a superhero in the real world and decides to become one - Kick Ass. Unfortunately, he's lacking in the superpowers department, so the task proves difficult. After the initial struggles he gets some results, but then the situation starts getting serious. He also realises that he is not the only superhero in town...

Good Stuff: Unexpected plot twists. Witty dialogue and great acting. Cool action scenes. Believable plot, partly due to the absence of any superpowers. A cute little girl - "Hit Girl".

Bad Stuff: The violence could be too much for some people (Rated R).

Related Footnotes: The best movie I've seen this year. A great surprise for me, after some nice reviews I watched it in the cinema and it was bloody awesome.

Untrelated Footnotes: I totally agree with Del's choice - Stardust (2007) is one of the best movies I've ever seen.
Movie Name (Year): Match Point (2005)

Synopsis/Plot; At a turning point in his life, a former tennis pro falls for a femme-fatal type who happens to be dating his friend and soon-to-be brother-in-law.

Good Stuff: Good perfomances, great story. A Woody Allen classic. You will stick to the story until the end.

Bad Stuff: None that i can think about.

Related/Unrelated Footnotes: Great story, you will know why at the end.
Movie Name (Year): Severence (2006)

Synopsis/Plot; A team-building exercise goes horribly wrong in this horror comedy. A group of Brits travels through the forests of Hungary to a remote lodge in order to mix business with pleasure. Led by their manager, Richard, the co-workers soon realize that their trip is less about trust falls and rope courses than it is about death and destruction. Someone has targeted the team, and begins to take down the cubemates one by one.

Good Stuff:
Funny, great characters, like... magical.
Black humour and great action.
Story is pretty good, and you feel yourself believing it.
Doesn't hold back on the violence and action at all.
Danny Dyer is fantastic in this one.

Bad Stuff:
Abit sluggish at times.
Sometimes a little too silly.

Related/Unrelated Footnotes: One of the coolest films ever, if you can stomach it.
Movie Name (Year): The Fountain (2006)

Synopsis/Plot: There are three parts of one life, that are all separated by different time periods. One is a Conquistador, traveling to Mayan territories for his queen, and he goes on a quest for the Tree of Life. The modern day one is a Doctor struggling with problems involving cancer, and internal conflict. The other is a man in space inside a giant bubble with a dieing Tree of Life.

Good Stuff:

Excellent soundtrack, i mean really really good, if you like orchestra and Clint Mansell
Great twists involved
The scenery is beautiful, and has cool effects
Acting was good as well

Bad Stuff:

For the most part it's kinda slowish
It does get hard to follow

Related/Unrelated Footnotes: It's one of JiHadJoe's favorites.:P
Movie Name (Year): Wing Commander (1999)

Based on the old game; Wingcommander.

The story circles around Christopher Blair, a pilot that is to be transfered onto a new ship in the Human navy. Blair is a half pilgrim, the people that first traversed space and could feel the space around them, he had allot of people doubting him but he has a good friend, Lt. Todd 'Maniac' Marshall, an real maniac but still a good friend to blair.
The ship they are onboard are the only ship that can hope to stop or at least hope to halt the approaching Kilrathi fleet, which has gotten their hands on a NAVCOM that shows them the way to Earth.

Good Stuff:
Alright, I love the story mostly cause I loved the original game.

But, then theres the acting..
Matthew Lillard
One of my favorite actors since.. Scream, the horror movie.
Tch?ky Karyo
Such a great actor, im not kidding.. He really made the movie ^up a bit more.
J?rgen Prochnow
Another awesome actor..

The plot is good, not SUPER, but still really good.

Bad Stuff:

Not that much, some bad acting, but nothing horrible.

I didn't notice to many plotholes either, but since im very bias:P

Would be hard for people to understand the plot, or background since it isn't explained extremely in the movie.

It has FURRY's! (Kilrathi are a feline race..) j/k

Related/Unrelated Footnotes:

One of my favorite weekend movies, seriously, if im bored or something, or just in the mood of some good Sci Fi, I look at this movie. Maybe twice.
Movie Name (Year): Bladerunner (1982)

Synopsis/Plot: Deckard, a blade runner, has to track down and terminate 4 replicants (androids) who hijacked a ship in space and have returned to earth seeking their maker.

Good Stuff:
The sets
The costumes
The acting
The questions it provokes

Bad Stuff:

Related/Unrelated Footnotes:
I'll echo the thoughts about Stardust, but you should definately read the book as well.
Movie Name (Year): Lost and Delirious (2001)

Synopsis/Plot; A lesbian relationship drama. A girl comes to a girls boarding school and discovered her room mates are in love. As time goes on, she observes their relationship and the troubles they have to go through. An unfortunate event breaks the lovers apart, and drives one them crazy to the point of no return.

Good Stuff: Really, really, dramatic film and definitely makes your heart scream "their meant to be together!" constantly, which is both good and bad. It also shows some of the things that homosexual couples at the time had to go through. It also has a good motif on falcons. There are also side stories during the film, which have a massive effect on the overall plot of the lesbian relationship. There are several techniques used to reinforce each other to create a truly dramatic effect. You won't regret watching this film, unless of course you don't like slow, dramatic films which have no explosions in them.

Bad Stuff: The movie gets tedious and repetitive at one point (only for a short bit though).

Related/Unrelated Footnotes: Girls are portrayed as being crazy, but only because their truly in love.
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