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Caps look nice but then don't fit somehow with each other.. it doesn't matter if they don't fit with fighters if you ask me.. but caps should look alike.

So out of those three capital ships.. two needs to change and fit with one. It would be best if gunboat and battleship are made to look like cruiser (with out spikes and that funny yellow color on engines please) but that's just me.

But then we are leaving Osiris behind. When I look .. after all this time Osiris.. Corsairs should have found new thing to add make it more corsairish and forget Libertonian design.. I am not sure that Corsairs inRP want to fly Osiris.
Anyway why not replace it now after Order/Corsair alliance is broken.. Corsair could and they should make their own.. (not some libertonian) version of Osiris ( )
This thing is great while it still has parts of old Osiris its clear it isn't same any more.. with right textures of other three capitals from Corsair line it should fit perfectly.

With name of Corsair Osiris and short history of old Osiris in info card it wouldn't be forgotten at least while real Osiris is still in mod
Simple solution to Osiris (if you don't like Curious's Osiris) is just to re-texture existing one and give it new name.. no need for new parts and what not.. or re-texture whole line to fit Osiris but then it would look like Order line MkII or Order line will look like Corsair line MkII..
Curios has really good points.
I'd LOVE to see an entire redo of the Corsair line, utilising the vertical structure of the original ships, rather than some wacky new idea. They'd be unique (though they'd have slight similarities to BHG ships, given their vertical construction... but then again, they're the only faction with that. Everything else is horizontal.) I can see in my head what they could look like, the Corsair capital ships (something very roughly along these lines... you can see the vertical shape, and engines similar to those on the Titan).

The current ships look nothing like Corsair ones.
They look nothing like they should...

'Course, saying that Corsairs need new capital ships is one thing, and getting someone competent enough to make them is another thing entirely.
' Wrote:without ANY exception, all the corsair models were agreed on in an utmost positive way by the corsair playerbase ( dunno about every specific faction, nor if there was some skype log where critizism was formulated ) but overall ... all those ships that AoM made were valued highly.

Yes there were numerous threads and polls about them as well as discussions with then 3 official corsair factions (TBH, Benitez, OPG). For some of the designs (like Praefect) various variants were shown and edited after feedback from corsairs, same for the GB.

Now 1,5-2 years later some players suddenly don't like the design. Ohh well, by now they are part of discovery, whole shipline is suddenly not getting radical changes because just you think it should.

The Legate is the earliest corsair capship model and is not of as high quality as the others so if someone makes a slightly improved one which fits the rest of the shipline it will most probably get replaced, that's about it.

EDIT: Ohh and the vanilla corsair ship are certainly NOT primarily vertical oriented at all. BHG ships are yes.
Corsair fighters start from horizontal only (Legionare) and then add a few vertical fins, but caps return to horizontal only again.

In comparison BHG ships start vertical only (Piranha), then add some horizontal fins, but caps return to vertical only again.

Still.. I think GB looks worse, much worse then Legate.. meh but that's just me.
Well, its simply came (perhaps) from the situation when these models where made, like .. the goal was more likely to replace the imports and fill mod with own models. I have nothing against AoL's models themselfs, they made very good and in epic amounts. But i think there is nothing unforeseen that with time people start ranting about how models fits the line because for the first time, as i said before, i think the main goal was not to make model that will fit vanilla stile but to fill mod with own models and remove imports (Venator).
' Wrote:Yes there were numerous threads and polls about them as well as discussions with then 3 official corsair factions (TBH, Benitez, OPG). For some of the designs (like Praefect) various variants were shown and edited after feedback from corsairs, same for the GB.

Now 1,5-2 years later some players suddenly don't like the design. Ohh well, by now they are part of discovery, whole shipline is suddenly not getting radical changes because just you think it should.

You know why? maybe becouse we are envloving. As the start for corsair cap line people were eager to have any capship which would look decently. Not look cool. In time then server modeling and development evolutes more and more better looking model apears, then these old ones we have doesn't look even competative. So to base their good looking on 2 - 1,5 year old arguments is not sufficient.

Corsair capship line is.. I don't know everything looks out of place. There is no common style of making them. As it looks now. Someone even dicided taht all corsair ships must fallow the heavy armor for agility way basicly with no vanila rp justification. But hell alright,I can live with that even if corsair lore says th opposite. (becouse blanace and etc etc.. i can live with that and feel no hurt)

I think what concerns capitals.. well repeat myself again. There is need to chose one capital ship from 3 and redesign two others holding to that one style the chosen one dictates. For me that would be a cruisser. It seems to have those two wings (fat ones I know) but somehow reminds me of corsairs. Anyway this might vary on opinions and view points.

[color=#FFCC66]And WTF is with decurion? Please mind answer the question for once?

Why it was replaced? for what reason? I thought we fallow "keep the vanila atmosphere" in disco mod. Why old vanila corsair LF model was dumped and now only used as MKI ship for lulz in rare times (which damn still has it's bugs about class 4 gunslots) and get replaced by that costum made thing?
' Wrote:In time then server modeling and development evolutes more and more better looking model apears, then these old ones we have doesn't look even competative. So to base their good looking on 2 - 1,5 year old arguments is not sufficient.

That is partly true yes... when better looking models that most corsairs agree on appear they might replace some of these.

Until then their good looking will be based on 2 year old agreements by 3 official corsair factions.

Quote:Someone even dicided taht all corsair ships must fallow the heavy armor for agility way basicly with no vanila rp justification.

In vanilla there were basically 3 ships to base things on Eagle, Sabre, Titan. Guess which one had most armor, least agility and biggest powercore?

Quote:[color=#FFCC66]And WTF is with decurion? Please mind answer the question for once?

Why it was replaced? for what reason? I thought we fallow "keep the vanila atmosphere" in disco mod. Why old vanila corsair LF model was dumped and now only used as MKI ship for lulz in rare times (which damn still has it's bugs about class 4 gunslots) and get replaced by that costum made thing?

Again scream towards official corsair factions.
Its ok with the titan. Jinx explained about it quite well and I'm satisfied with it. It works very well in solo piracy as VHF and can kick back in fighter fights decently.

But.. the problem is that entire shipline is based on this concept. Why? Even light fighter, then vanila infocard of corsair lf suggests entirely the opposite. Moreover it not only decribes ship, but corsair attitude and style of flying their ships.
Quote:In vanilla there were basically 3 ships to base things on Eagle, Sabre, Titan. Guess which one had most armor, least agility and biggest powercore?

Well, i think there is a place for quick reminder that Freelancer in general is single player oriented game (Vanilla), so ships where made in light of fighting 10003400392034 NPC on it, so for that purpose Titan was made like a Best_Ship_in_Sirius ™ for fighting NPC. Yes, for fight npc, you don't need Agility, you need armor and power core, so Titan was made this way. But then people find they can play Freelancer with another people, and there comes that Titan that was made like a best ship is good for npc grind but sucks against players, and there we comes to massive Eagle overuse because Agility > Armor.

Just wanted to say that moving ship stats from Vanilla and placing them as argument isn't right at all imo.
well vanilla eagle turned faster than our current one... while Sabre and Titan turned exactly same at the speed of current light bombers.

Sabre had 75 mass (half the mass of other VHFs) and Titan "only" had current RT powercore, not to mention about 1k less armor.

So no you can't copy+ paste vanilla stats, but you can keep the "character" of faction ships.
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