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Full Version: Problem that could be abused.
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Hi um...I'm not sure if i've discussed this before but I logged on my ship right- then got suddenly beamed to omicron minor.

As soon as I launched I got kicked. Well...when I log back on I find myself back to where I was before (which happened to be tau 31). Then I died and respawn guess where? omicron minor.

Now most of you probably don't know what im going on about but my beaming to omicron minor was no accident- it just so happens to be the system my new single player characters start in.

The issue here is that people could use this bug to start their ships in say...a keeper station or admin base then when they eventually wind up there they could buy all the gear. Weird bug I hope it gets fixed...anyone else get this?

(PS: mods if this is the wrong place and should be in bug reports...move kthx)
ill translate into english for you:

this guy speaks of how you can get into a base onyl for admins or nomads or other squishy aliens that are superpowered using single player

and then you could easily swap your single player save file with the multiplayer save file with a little work....i mean the cheating detector widget would catch em....but a perso could cause unbeleiveable havoc with this

' Wrote:and then you could easily swap your single player save file with the multiplayer save file with a little work....i mean the cheating detector widget would catch em....but a perso could cause unbeleiveable havoc with this really what I was saying. I was saying that I get a weird glitch were my characters sometimes get "beamed" on the server to the place I selected for my SP characters to start in.

So if I made my SP characters start on Lost Battlestar, I would sometimes get beamed onto an admin base. Did need some more clarification thanks.

EDIT: : Hmm...maybe its only me. Well then- I will have to be extra responsible:)
I'm sorry. He is speaking in perfect English.

I've never come across this problem.