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So, why was the Slave Liner removed from the ID of one of the only Slaving factions, the Liberty Rogues?
' Wrote:It is too large and expensive to build? SRP only.

No need to build them, they're centuries old discontinued ships.
' Wrote:No need to build them, they're centuries old discontinued ships.

Well, since they're salvaged hulks from earlier years that have been abandoned out in space, it'd still cost something to repair them back into working order, so money is still needed. That and some skilled Junkers to help put the things back together.

Though it does seem strange. While the Pilgrim is primarilly used by slavers, I always thought they were "built" by the Junkers. And given that the Junkers act as middlemen between many different factions, both lawful and unlawful, you'd think that any unlawful faction that has a decent friendship with the Junkers could potentially get their hands on one.

Then again, I may be talking on things I know nothing about...
Because it's bigger than their Cruiser?