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[color=#FFFFFF]Priority: High
Encryption: None
Destination: The Lane Hackers
Source: NTFHC
Subject: 'Friendly Reminder'

[Image: NTFlogo.png]

Zoner Ore Extraction, Temporary Autonomous Zoners, The Colonial Republic and The Order are under the protection of the Neo Terran Front.

Thank you for your time.


To my knowledge, no ships belonging to ZoE, TAZ, The Order or their affiliates have been attacked, extorted or looted by The Lane Hackers. Thank you for your reminder, I'll make sure everyone is aware of your position. The protection of Colonial ships is news to me, however. Is that supposed to apply Sirius-wide?

[color=#FFFFFF]Priority: High
Encryption: None
Destination: The Lane Hackers
Source: NTFHC
Subject: 'Friendly Reminder'

[color=#FFFFFF]***Attached Neural Uplink***


Good day.

There are many ways for a transport to show it's affiliation. I wouldn't list such trivial ways such as IFF, ID, relevant cargo, sometimes just acting as a research vessel could also help. If our technicians was spending a day with collecting and categorizing samples from a field, they would do anything required to not start the process all over.
' Wrote:....was forced to jetison over 3000 samples in an attempt to get away...
I might not be the best astrophysicist around, but as far as I know in 0G the mass of the transport matters less in terms of speed. But this practice is surprisingly similar to the one the Sirius Trade Federation employed back than. Hope you remember them - if not, dig a bit around the bounty-board. From what we saw, the Blue Posidon could have even been their agent just as easily as the Order's.

So I'm here to back the statement of Mr Phate - no Order vessel was attacked by us in Kansas, and we have no intention to do so in the future. The skirmish we had with Mr Leigh happened solely in self defense.

If you have any influence on your allies, remind them for the proper usage of comms designation - if the situation was realy a misunderstanding. terminated...

[color=#FFFFFF]Priority: High
Encryption: None
Destination: The Lane Hackers
Source: Executive Commander Enrico Rossini, NTBS Belisarius, Kansas
Subject: 'Friendly Reminder'

[Image: Enrico.png]

While I'm in agreement that the vessel should've been outfitted with a proper IFF transponder beforehand, there was an Order Primary Fleet craft there who specifically told you that the transport was under the employment of the Order. I don't know if this is laziness or simply greed on your part, but it's not like Lane Hacker comms to, say.. malfunction, is it?

Whatever the case, don't let it happen again.

...Professor.Moriarty.recognized...uploading data...

Properly identified Order vessels will not be harassed by the Lane Hackers, and in fact will be assisted when necessary.

Hearsay from possibly random passersby will not be accepted as proper identification under any circumstances apart from the fickle generosity of the senior Lane Hacker on the scene, which in this case was justifiably not forthcoming. Current threats and attempts at intimidation will be counterproductive to soliciting such generosity in the future.

Good day. terminated...