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Full Version: The hell is going on?
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Every time I kill a NPC starflier, escorts and such, the name of the last player I encountered flashes instead of the NPC name just before they go up in flames.

Same happens to me,
dont worry, its not a big deal,
i have this problem for about 3 moths now :)
It's a glitch. though, I bet someone else has said that by now.
dude that can sometimes glitch up really bad.
if the last person you targeted gets blown up at the same time as that npc it will say you killed them instead of the actual killed.
it happened to my corsair and i killed an order pilot from like 3 systems away.
It stuns me every time i see it. ._.
This bug exist since FL was released - get used to it.
I never noticed that. 0.0
Same happens to NPC docking on JG and stations and landin' on planets , this is the oldest thing evar
Pretty sure I noticed those Nomad fighters near Malvada in Omicron Gamma getting that problem aswell when they got pew'd by me.
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