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Full Version: Cruise Disruptor/Missile hardpiont
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Just had a thought while reviewing a light fighter model I made. What if light fighters had the option of mounting a missile on their cruise disruptor hardpoint instead of a cruis disruptor? like how heavy fighters can mount torpedoes or CDs.
not possible on that hardpoint - unless we make some torps to be exact copies of missiles ( possible - but then HF and VHF can mount them, too )

aside from that - LF dish out more than enough damage for the huge defensive advantage they have

OK, no worries.
' Wrote:not possible on that hardpoint

Not true. The current Coalition VHF and Bomber both use Weapon Hardpoints for their CD/T weapon slots. All that needs adjusting is the ini file, I'd imagine you can mount a weapon on just about any revolute turret regardless of the name.
The names Weapon and Torpedo are just for organisation purposes I'd imagine, they don't actually contribute anything towards what that hardpoint is in game. That's all determined by the ini files.

Bombers also use level 1 (or 2?) weapons on their CD/T hardpoints since the bomber update that removed their ability to use mini razors.