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Full Version: An interesting "problem"
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So, quite a while ago I've decided to start a RP project, if that is the right expression. It's basically an archaeological expedition in Omega 11. I won't bother you with the background and my ideas, so I'll just write a short post.

The problem is, as you will see, purely time related.


Look at the "time stamps".

And sadly one person stopped responding to PM-s. I can understand all of that. However my RP is now "stuck" in Kusari.

What should I do now?
I'm not sure what you mean.

Time on the forums doesn't correlate in game, unless specified really, if that's the issue.
Well, the ship isn't fully equipped in RP that is.
I could just finish the RP on my own, with simply RPing both characters, since the scientist is quite generic.
However I do prefer to RP that includes interactions with other people.
So, it's that Kishiro is no longer responding?
You could always find someone else to continue outfitting the ship, and have them move it for you, if it can't fly itself?

If you get stuck, sometimes it's best to make something up to keep moving, rather than sitting in a slump.

Even if that idea isn't so crash hot, it will be masked by the rest of the story.

EDIT: And you can always retcon it later:P
Could you suggest someone from Kishiro, who might be willing to continue what was left unfinished?
Well, I meant another group.
But I'll point a Kishiro member this way and see if they can help.

OORP: Ivan has been busy lately. I've contacted him through Skype, and hopefully will get a reply within 24 hours. In the case he can not continue with that RP, me or other Kishiro member will continue with it. And in the case I don't get that reply within 24 hours I will continue that RP project in his place, so you do not have to wait longer.

[Hajime Irjima, Kishiro Junior Manager]