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While I have seen fighters use LNS prefix, I generally don't approve, as it is supposed to be for caps. Plus, nobody in their right mind names their ship with LNS unless they really have to. It scream lolwut.
1. LNS is for "Liberty Naval Ship", this prefix is used for gunboats and higher. Some people use that prefix for fighters/bombers, but that seems strange to me.
2. Most message boards require you to be a member of a certain player faction, but Liberty Forces Message Dump seems to be open to all lawfuls (including indies) -
Just a friendly warning - If you go in anything higher than a bomber (Gunboat and above), the Rogues usually have fun with Barghest swarming you.

Oh and if you're planning on getting a Liberty capital ship, don't forget to register it here.

If you're making a fighter, don't bother using LNS- at the start of your name. That's only really relevant to cap ships.

The liberty lawful message dump is open for indies to use.

Feel free to grab one of the guys in the [LN] to help you with rep if you need it.

Reconsider joining the [LN]. 'Tis a fun faction.