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Full Version: Kusari Exploration Gunboat
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Hm, i am still not sure, even if some people are telling me that...Is the Ahoudori a green cell vehicle for a Freelancer? There is nothing to be found that it is a civilian vehicle, the description even tells, that it is used by the Kusari Navy in an exploration wing.
You can use it with Freelancer, Merc or Pirate ID. He is under Civilian-Kusari ship category.
Yeah, it's often used by GMG as well.
And rarely by Kusari unlawfuls.;)
Hehe, well then okay, maybe I safe for one, although still not sure...i like my conference, but it`s powercore, firepower and armor is well...not always what you like to have in some situations. But as said, I am not sure, seems, the conference is still more agile than the exploration boat...And aboud it`s design one can argue hehe:D
Yeah, design is quiet specific
Well, atleast better than the Bumblebee...damn I feld ashamed when I had it:lol:
I've got one of these Explorers. You can try it out before you decide to buy one. Contact me if interested, I'll send you the keys.
Thank you for the offer Zeb!
But for now I decided to focuse more on the fighterpilote Hawkins, the Conference most times is docked in Coronado anyways. also I think I like this ship to much to exchange it on the kusari gunboat just because it might have more firepower. Evrytime I fly the conference as freelancer, it seem to be an eyecatch for others with good roleplaying starting arround. That has it`s own worth :)