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Full Version: Tech use requests left unanswered ...
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For reference, Rule 6.2 reads as follows. Click on the link provided in this rule and it takes you to "The Official Guidelines of Technology Use."

Quote:6.2 Ship and equipment used must match tag and ID as closely as possible.

The following chart is an official guideline of ship and weapon use on the official Discovery Server :

All characters using mismatched ID/Ship/Weapon combinations must possess either an Admin granted Terrorist ID or a Special Operative ID.

When we non-faction members of this server make requests to faction leaders for tech use as per required by the technology chart, we have a right to a timely response. We should not have to wait weeks or months for a decision. Some faction tech request threads are difficult to find. With great power comes great responsibility. That being said, faction leaders who hold the keys to permitting or denying tech use also have the responsibility for notifying the requester in a reasonable amount of time as to the decision made.

Here's a couple changes I propose with regards to this rule.

1. Create a section within the forum for the sole purpose of processing tech requests. Each faction would monitor their respective tech request threads.

2. Set a reasonable time within the rules for the owning faction to make the decision and notify the requester of that decision. Two weeks should be more than enough time for this to complete the request process. If the faction leaders do not respond to the requester within a reasonable amount of time, the default answer becomes "Approved."

Rationale for this: Keeps us from waiting literally forever for a response and holds faction leaders accountable for their tech. If they truly want to maintain control of who gets to use their tech then they'll monitor their tech request threads and respond in a timely manner.

EDIT: <strike>Reason I'm bringing this up is because I've got a tech request that's been unanswered for about a month or so now.</strike>
' Wrote:Reason I'm bringing this up is because I've got a tech request that's been unanswered for about a month or so now.
Sure about that? That one has been approved for a while.

EDIT: I do like the idea of a dedicated section, though. That way they wouldn't get lost in all the other threads.
' Wrote:Here's a couple changes I propose with regards to this rule.

1. Create a section within the forum for the sole purpose of processing tech requests. Each faction would monitor their respective tech request threads.

2. Set a reasonable time within the rules for the owning faction to make the decision and notify the requester of that decision. Two weeks should be more than enough time for this to complete the request process. If the faction leaders do not respond to the requester within a reasonable amount of time, the default answer becomes "Approved."

I do like this Proposal, with one minor thing. Number 2. the Default answer should be "Denied" because sometimes faction leaders can be swamped with stuff to do.
I agree, I take the urgency of player who request tech pretty seriously and find it is terrible if they have to wait too long just to get in-game and continue on with their char's RP (whom I'd assume the tech plays a significant role for). A subforum is a pretty good idea and yes I feel that a faction not keeping up with tech requests should be marked as part of their inactivity rating. This doesn't mean anything about approvals or denials but about providing a timely responce so that the player may proceed with playing the game. We get lots of requests, oh my some flare up heheh, we've managed as best as we can and I would hope other official faction leaders are taking on the responsibility of managing their respective tech requests.
I think this is a good idea, with the exception of the default answer. It should be denied if the faction leaders don't respond.
' Wrote:I do like this Proposal, with one minor thing. Number 2. the Default answer should be "Denied" because sometimes faction leaders can be swamped with stuff to do.

' Wrote:I think this is a good idea, with the exception of the default answer. It should be denied if the faction leaders don't respond.

Trouble is ... if we set the default answer to "Denied" then the official faction can simply ignore the request and the person making the request will continue in total frustration. I think "Approved" being the default would get the official faction leaders into action a lot quicker.

Keep in mind the point here is to get an answer to the person making the request in a reasonable time.

My apologies to the Zoners. Since I couldn't find the thread for the response ... I think this reinforces my request for a separate thread for tech requests only. My request was answered in 11 days ... I think this is a reasonable time ... just needs to be somewhere easier to find.
' Wrote:Trouble is ... if we set the default answer to "Denied" then the official faction can simply ignore the request and the person making the request will continue in total frustration. I think "Approved" being the default would get the official faction leaders into action a lot quicker.

I came up with the same logical reasoning that approved is default decision.

Spurs action and requires competence.