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For those of you who are interested, I have created 15 ships. I have personally flown and tested each of them.
From a small Maintenance pod to a Super Transport.
All ships are currently on display on the 2nd & 3rd pages of my website..
AKA DM Rankor.
I like the Sleeper ship escort and the Drex Capital ship they are soooo cool
the maintenance pod looks kewl!

good work with them
I think the drex capital ship looks more like a fighter than a cap ship, but it stilll looks good. I really don't like the other ones (no offense), except the wheel station just makes me think of ender's game =P.
I have to agree with you about the appearance of the Drex capital ship. It does look like a fighter. But thats where it ends. It has a crew of 4 and once you've flown it, you would understand. It soars like a condor.
A new ship has been built.
She has made a clean sweep after completing trial runs in space.

Class: Carrier
Affiliation: The Order
Name: Cleopatra
so are you saying we can land on that if another person has it?
That's the idea, but presently the game engine doesnt support this option that I am aware of except where it is a stationary object. Once this hurdle is overcome, the possibilities become enormous.
As you must be aware I am certain, the Osiris is a dockable battle ship as is most "stationary" ships. The story line gives the illusion of docking with a movable ship. But if you've noticed, whenever you dock with the Osiris in game that it is usually a stationary object like a station.
I am certain there is a way and have yet to discover it.
try makeing the ship hollow with a small opening so we can get inside the ship

not what is expected but its a solution
I kinda like the Event Horizon ship. It looks so... deadly. *evil grin*
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