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Can some fill me in what the reputation of merc can have and weapons they can use? also are they allowed certain ships?
Im not a noob but made my first noob mistake:crazy:
they were allowed every ship, every weapon back then. - now they are allowed everything up to a gunboat - probably except the most unlikely stuff like corsair stuff or pure outcast stuff. there are few restrictions when its about gear. its more down the roleplay.

tag should best be none - i guess.
Well, like Jinx said, a Merc can have pretty much anything within it's ID restrictions. But you gotta try to keep it in Roleplay. Like, you don't want to see a Wrath with Tizona's and an Inferno equip... Try to keep yourself to one side and stick with the equipment they give you.
:D thanks for the input!
Also, as Jinx said once, Mercs rely a lot in their reputations. So try and stick to your general reputation when choosing your equipment. If you are a more lawful sided Merc, prefer lawful equipment and vice-versa. I think that's what got you busted.
If you use a lawful ship, stick to lawful weapons. If your a merc with an unlawful ship, you should stick to unlawful weapons, but from side of the war the faction your ship is from. So if you have a Blood Dragon VHF, you can use unlawful weaps, but NOT Corsair gear.. Its also a good idea to work for unlawfuls if you have an unlawful ship.