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This is Richard Ames speaking. Former Deputy Junior Asisstant Under-Researcher in Ageira R&D division at Manhattan. I got tired of endless 'floor surface research' done with a mop. Moreover, I got tired of the attitude of the senior staff. 'There is nothing to be resaerched, everything is working perfectly', they said. Well, hushing up every accident involving Ageira-manufactured equipment surely made it looks like zero malfunctions.

The decision was made. Few small changes in optronic circuits turned the vessel I was travelling in into one big pieco of nuclear hell. Of course nobody noticed small ejection pod being picked up by a junker. Family emigrated to Rheinland while I was travelling in to Buffalo base. Bought my shiny new Dagger (except that it was rusty, old, used and missing few parts crucial to safety). Route to Mactan was interesting, as many corrupt, self-proclaimed 'lawful' pilots attempted to stop me. How they all crammed in Dagger's cargo space, beats me.

Now I do possess fully equipped, properly maintained, bioderadable, cutting edge, state-of-art, outsourced, high concept, low-profile, clinically proven, scientifically formulated, freeze-dried, double-wrapped, vacuum-packed, user friendly Dagger (see Attachment 1).

Already did some work with recruit Ross and did abovementioned armed robbery under the command of Mr.Sanguinetti.

Unfortunately, my cut of loot was already spent on mmmm medicines. 'Cause I really need that amount of Cardamine to calm down after that incident - suddenly a Nomad appeared and initiated communication via the inside of my head. Did one incomplete scan; managed to survive by means of applying an algorithm of tactical reconfiguration of my position related to the remaining part of space-time continuum (codenamed retreat).

Will work for the opportunity of research.

LH~Richard.Ames data...


This is Bob Johnson formerly of Ageira-Los Angeles Security Division. This transmission is to signify my completion of the required activities outlined in the Lane Hacker Guidebook. I have previously sent message to the organization signaling my intent to leave Ageira's grasp and pursue affiliation with the Lane Hackers.

I was only able to obtain a Starflier in my rushed departure from Erie. In order to gain the trust of the Liberty Rogues I destroyed several LP storage containers near Newark station. After the Rogues were satisfied with my intentions I was allowed to dock at Buffalo base and traded my Starflier in for scrap. The credits earned along with the money raised from destroying several Xeno fliers en route gave me just enough to purchase a Series X Border Worlds "Dagger"Light Fighter.

I departed Liberty space for the Magellan System at that time. Upon my arrival I made contact with Elektra.King, Paco.Pistols, and Medea of the Lane Hackers Organization. They provided me with small material support and directed me to Mactan base where I have slowly gained the trust of the Commissar and flight crews stationed there.

My motivation for leaving Ageira became simple after working with the company for as many years as I had I was tired of turning a blind eye to their exploitation of the workers of Liberty in corroboration with the LPI, LN and USI. I am a man of the people and people should be free. Ageira has crippled the common man's ability to make their own way in Sirrius without submitting to their agenda in some form and that has to be stopped. Now that I am free of the shackles of Liberty's corruption I want to share that with others and bring the corporate and government corruption in Liberty down to it's knees.

Documentation of IFF
Documentation of Required Loadout

I have not yet attached the Hacker's ID to my ship's internal systems as I am awaiting approval from a Professor. I eagerly await your reply to this application.

LH~Bob.Johnson (Skype: Gasden.Morgan)

-Transmission Ends- terminated...

++Neural Net BiOS v5.67.01 Build 3, SP 4.2.9++
Restoring icons...

Initialize program [Boot_Startup]
Proxy 001 online=true
Proxy 002 online=true
Initiating Secure Proxy Network...This may take a minute...
Securing communications...This may take a while...
Loading Program: D_T1.3.2
Confirm Action? Y/N?

Welcome to Datatree!
Build v1.3.2
© Agiera Technologies 817 A.S.
Login: ******
Pass: ***************************
WEP: **************

Login Sucessful!

Welcome back Mr. Patterson!
Encrypting channels...Done!
Securing lines 1-3...Done!

Systems online...Awaiting input_

Choose send form:
1. Media
2. Text
3. Secure message


Secure message.
Please insert text:


Christ, I have no idea what's happening. I'm just a worker for Agiera! I don't know what's going on. First my colleagues go missing and now this! I went back to my apartment on Denver today, and I found my place trashed. Everything was flipped and broken, as if they were looking for something. If you are reading this, this is likely my last transmission from any corporate terminal. Pueblo isn't even safe anymore. They have Eagles looking for "someone" around the perimeter. Most likely me. The only safe place now is Mactan, a friend of mine told me about it a day before he disappeared. Maybe there's safe refuge there. I don't know. To any ships that get this, if you have any information about what's happening, tell me. Contact me. I'll be gone at least until this blows over...

++Sent 22:13 SMT+++



Hackers, I mean you no harm. My name is Samuel Patterson, and I have recently escaped Pueblo Station in Colorado. Agiera has been doing some odd stuff lately, and I was a part of some form of an USI updater program. Something went wrong, and I've recently seen my friends and family go missing as of late, and it seems as if I were next. My apartment was trashed tonight, and I've seen strange people following me in Colorado. I don't know how safe I am as of now, but hopefully I can unite with youI'd like to have safe refuge with the Hackers, as no intelligent merc or employee of Agiera will stray towards any Hacker, or Hacker base. Apparently, I've been marked as a criminal. They say I've "stolen" important Agiera research and technology, and now all of Liberty is out to get me. I don't know how long I have. On top of that, my wife has gone missing, and I currently have a debt of 100000000. Those damned Agiera don't know when to stop.

++RECIEVED 8/3/818++

++Recieved: TODAY++
I've read your requirements. I've done what you said, and I've stolen a Starflier from some manager on Pueblo. I've done what you asked and here's proof. I am now dedicated to your purpose. Agiera has taken too much from me and given nothing in return. Here's proof.
Now, I await the day I may join you on your glorious quest. To destroy Agiera. To destroy Interspace. To the glory of the Hackers!


Large image delarged -DL Jezelle Harlock...recognized.transmission.encrypted ..uploading data..

Name: Jezelle Harlock
Gender: Female
Nationality: <strike>Britonian</strike> Libertonian
Date of Birth: 12.30.8** A.S. (Age: 19)
No Known Parasites Detected. No Known Virii Detected. No Known Infections Detected.

ATTN: LN Personnel

Oi, Its Jezelle Harlock again. Some time ago, you gave me some good advice. Well, I took you up on it. Currently, I have quarters on Mactan Station. An arrangement between the Cap'n here and I was made. I go on patrol, they feed me and board me. By the way, why didn't you tell me Cardamine was like that. I could kill many... many... many... bounty hunters to keep it coming. But I suppose they'll be the least of me' worries in the long run. Back to me' tale. I came here from Manhattan. Your man was right where the dead drop said he'd be. I'm quite obliged to ye'.

Ye see, me' parents were from Dublin. Brilliant people, they were. So much so that Ageira decided to buy out their contracts from the Cambridge Research Institute. And so, with a little time in space, we made our way to Liberty. O' course, they ensured my future in their new contract. They agreed to a 30 year contract, Ageira made sure I was a citizen of Liberty. Even put me up in one of those orbital secondary schools. And I was content... For a time.

Y'see, Ageira doesnt take kindly to folk making gate equipment less deadly to the construction crews at the cost of their profits. My father, Edwin Harlock did just that, no' even knowing he would get fired, jailed, and made an example. They pegged some espionage charge at im'... And my mother... Ye May have heard of her, Danielle Harlock... Her maiden name was Emeraldas. The Danielle Emeraldas that invented mining interlock bracings. The patent they gave to Ageira to get their contract. They took her in too. Collusion, they said.

Well, that was the last straw, I'd had it. And after my previous years of interning at the schools Computer Core, I had the knowhow to make my escape. Do ye know what they make kids of "spies" do? They make them attend mandatory support groups for "children of corporate spies." 'Ow kind of em... Two long years of that.

So in my first break from one of the Ageira sponsered universities, while on Manhattan for the zero-G Volleyball regionals, I used the principals credentials to buy a ship. A terrible little vessel, but they don't pay him that much, I suppose...
And after getting to the Detroit munitions facility to use the credentials again to get something useful. My vessel index codes must've been compromised, because right after I managed to get some shipping schedules, I was being fired on by everyone and their mother. I got away by the skin of my starflier's parallax manifold... Which got blown off in a fight. I did get one of em'. And after sleeping in me' own ship for days; with no Parallax manifold, mind you; I managed to get a Liberty Rogue to take me into Rochester station. I suspect you may have some idea how great it feels to be free again after so long a time. But those Rogues, in return for a portion of the schedules (a small portion, I assure you), they gave me a few credits and sent me to Buffalo Station. And....

I tell ye... Something about the badlands makes me uneasy. Its not the closeness of all those odd asteroids. Its the fact that sometimes it looks like their all oriented the same way. It has to be a trick of the eyes. But I swear, I felt like I was falling. I managed to find a busted bounty hunter ship, full of weapons. Nothing too great, but when I got to buffalo, I had just enough to buy myself a Dagger. Even though I'd come so far, I felt like I had accomplished very little. So little to show for all the penance I'd exacted. I felt very alone at that moment. But when I moved through the gate to California I was pleased. Not by the Navy scum who immediately fired upon me. But the openness of it. I had asteroid belts to dodge through. Bounty Hunters to sell to the rogues. I'd never been one for selling humans, but those digits on me' credit chit were all the recompense I needed.

I stopped in Alcatraz for a breather, and they pointed me to my final jump of this odyssey. To Magellan, and the Hackers beyond.

I should stop here and tell you that I almost didn't make it here to Mactan. Waiting for me near California Minor was a small Navy Battle group. One cruiser, and at least 2 squadrons of Patriots following. I dont think you've lived til you've had to dodge Ion discharges being peppered at you while 8 navy light fighters keep pelting you with fire. Someone from Ageira must've spilled what I had. And they meant it. Sending a whole battlegroup to ambush me. I honestly don't know how I made it. I should be dead now. I just dodged and weaved until I hit a trade lane to anywhere. After taking it up a few hundreds of kilometers. I was safe. I set upon a very conservative route to the Magellan jump gate. I made it, and with a small firing on the San Diego Border Station, they decided to open up the gate for me. Once through I was home free. I set course for Mactan, making sure to take a wide winding route with double backs and decoy routes to shake off anyone who was following. I docked, finally, and finally got to properly outfit this beautiful ship. She can really jump about under fire.

Since then the local constable has been keeping me busy. He sends me on patrols for the Stations defenses. Although I get the feeling he's trying to kill me. It seems whenever he gives me a mission, there just happens to be eight to fourteen Bounty Hunters waiting for me. I love the money though... And the Cardamine... I sent this message via the Netcom Buoy System like you said, I understand that you said you'd be getting back to me when ye "damn well feel like it," but your words have been my only guidance through all this. And they have served me well. I look forward to learning more... And meeting you one day maybe... Whoever you are...

A girls got to dream, cant she?

.uploading.ageira.shipment.schedule. terminated..

//proof of my doings
//take it easy on it, its a free photobucket
-------:Hack Initiated:
-----:Probing Firewall:
------:Analyzing Data:
------:DDOS Channel:
-------:Flow Overload:
-:Overload Complete:
----:Interface System:
-:Interface Complete:
-----:Upload Message:
----:Upload Complete:
-------:Open Message:

[Image: sb7laa.jpg]

Well that was hard; not.

My name's Steven Sykes; I've been operating under the alias of Cool Breeze since I left Ageira.

So your comm asks me what my history is, well I'll tell you if you feel so inclined.

I was born on Planet Manhattan where I went to Tarsus Academy for my education. When I became a senior student I figured I wasn't really being challenged intellectually, so I decided I'd hack the school's network. As you'd expect their security was lax allowing me to freely change attendance records and grades. Seeing this as a kind of power, I decided to exploit it by charging other students a small fee for me to change a few details of their year.

Eventually they found out and expelled me, leaving me with some free time. So I started to practice hacking seeing as it was fairly useful. I was a grey hat hacker for a few years, never really causing any harm. Once I decided I was good enough, I became a white hat hacker and helped out a few corporations. After becoming fairly well known, Ageira sent one of their puppets to hire me.

Their system back then was nothing, time and time again I defeated their security. I made myself fairly wealthy with my antics and contemplated retirement. So as one last job I hacked Ageira's most confidential files. Their corruption was astounding. I mean I knew there was some dodgy dealings going on, but nothing like this. I promptly quit and bought a Starflier in an effort to find you.

I took my starflier to Detroit munitions to pick up some heavier weaponry and then headed to Rochester to outfit my starflier fully. Seeing shooting those depots as a fairly easy way to make headlines, I launched an assault upon them. The authorities were right on the scene, but were slower than the bots in the simulators. Nothing could touch me.

With the depots destroyed I started intercepting Xeno patrols. They were a bit more of a challenge and eventually proved to great for me, until the Rogues came along. With a new ally I redoubled my assault and successfully eliminated the terrorists.

Confident that I had made enough of a commotion, I headed to Mactan in a dagger I picked up from Buffalo.
I received missions from hackers at the bar and together we disrupted bounty hunter operations in Magellan.
After considerable destruction, the hackers gave me the codes to sport a Lane Hacker Transponder.

Here's a picture of my trusty ship.

So I trust my exploits are sufficient to warrant access to your organisation?

:Message Terminated:
Initiating Connexion...
Firewall detected... Attempting to Hack
Hack in progress... ... ... Communications system Hacked
Transmission beginning - Read audio file ? Y - N

° Ship Emitter : LH~Foreshadow
° Pilot ID : Ageira chief technician Cyphrius Olan

Sorry to hack your comms system but I had no choice - a standard message would have revealed my position to all Libertonian Spy Satellites.

Alright, I'll make it short. Name's Cyphrius Olan. I am a former member of Ageira Technologies. Was born on Erie 26 years ago. I obtained a degree in Quantum Physics and the logical opportunity for me was to work for Ageira. At the very beginning I realized this company was not for me.
Too much tension, pressure and stress due to work. But, hell, the pay is good, still a good job was I thinking.

I began to change my mind when Azzan - a friend of mine also working for Ageira - called to told me he knew something horrible about the company. Something that could lead it to bankrupt. However, he did not want to tell me through the Comms system, as we were surely spied. I agreed to meet him two days later.
He never came. Got killed minutes after our conversation.

They said it was a was an "occupational accident". Everybody believed them. That almost made me smile - I was the only one to know he did not worked on Trade Lanes experimentations. He was Accountant for the company.

So I fled. I stole a Starflier from the depot and I fled. They pursued me, of course. I had to change my ship for a Dagger to become incognito. But I made it to Magellan.

Now I want these bastards to pay. I want them to go bankrupt, to be humiliated and to finally pay.
And above all things, I want to know what Azzan was going to tell me. I want to know their secret.

End of audio file.
Connexion terminated.



Im Will Stewart, I was hoping to join with you guys, after getting cutten off from my old job as a escort for a interspace branch, all I know is I was dropped off by them on Planet Erie, No ship, No Credits, No Hope. Eventually I found out they had ran into a problem that resulted in a high debt to a miner. They decided to barge in and take over my ship and dump me some where. So after grabbing a trashed ship on a payment plan, I made it to Buffalo and decided to lay low, till the 'Authoritys' decided to go shoot the massive rheinland military slobbering over texas, I made it in a Dagger in Another payment plan that I paid from raiding a H-Fuel transport, The Rogues pointed me over to Alcatraz and then to Mactan, Where I settled down, I Have a Dagger thats still missing some parts but it should hold up for now.


a) LH_Gail.Furst

b) \#Open\0705\BaseMactan\HangarCam\Execute... Complete

c) Evening Professors, I wish to matriculate from the corruption that is the Libertyspace because I see the corruption within the lanes, within the corporations and patterns of greater government. Greater corporate structures must be annexed of their great wealth and reliance on the gates that I maintained for Ageira Technologies for only a few years after my advanced education. They are all monsters.
I fought my way out of the California system and took several Liberty Police hostage and handed them over to Buffalo Base security for their own purposes. I could hear what the Police were calling me through their frequencies. They deserved every bit of justice that Buffalo Base gave them. I ran additional missions for the Outcasts at Rochester Base until I was saw fit to enter Montezuma and Mactan on my way here.
My matriculation comes with these papers from the Los Angeles Polytechnic before being gifted my position at Ageira Technologies. Our beach home on Malibu Prospect is surely now ransacked and my family taken into custody for the possible location of their "hijacked" daughter. Surely the corrupt Liberty Police will never tell them what happened to my true identity. It is for this reason I request the alias of SirenJAM. It will be the sound they will always hear and never be able to interpret.

My communications information will be passed to the Senior Professor immeidately at the end of the closed circuit communique.

Please connect to this dossier for the remainder of my affiliations and gear.


[EDIT: Alias Merge - Change to Mrs.Glass]
/initiate hack
*decryption complete*

/start transmission

Greetings Lane Hackers.
This is LH~Subjonctif, registering a formal request for Lane Hacker acceptance.

My name is Ré LeQuar, previous free trader, and captain of l'Imparfait.
To this data, I have spent much of my life trading in the larger Liberty area, however my story only really begins six months ago.
As a newcomer to the trade business, I had felt that my major threat would sure come from pirates, and other rouges, acting to loot precious cargo, or demand ridiculous sums of money for passage. I had heard many a terrifying story in spaceport bars all across liberty sector of such activity including such 'illicit' activities performed by your organization, The Lane Hackers.
You can imagine my shock, that the most blatant attack on my ship came not from the Rogues, nor the Lane Hackers, nor the Outcasts, but from a so called 'lawful' organization, known as Agira.

Almost six months ago to the day, I was performing a regular trade run through Liberty space. I was waiting for use of a jump gate, when the first shots hit the side of my transport - an Agira convoy had opened fire on me. The exact cause of their attack still remains a mystery to me. Perhaps I had just become too great of an economic threat for them to tolerate, or perhaps it was an attempt by underpaid middle management to line their pockets by looting by cargo. Regardless of cause, any attack on my ship is intolerable. I manned by transport turrets, and put up a good fight, shooting down two of their starfliers before the third finally manage to breech my hull. The situation was further compounded, by the fact that the attacked was fully witnessed by the Liberty Police, showing how deep alliances truly do run in our system.

After two months in an induced coma on planet Eirie, in Pensylvania, followed by an additional three months physical therapy in an induced gravity environment, I finally felt confident to return to flying... despite doctors best recommendations, I was ready for some revenge. Using the last of my available funds to buy a starflier, and equip it with the best equipment I could afford, I set out to the police stores near planet Manhattan. Whilst holding off waves of attacks from all sorts of 'lawful' faction, I was able to destroy the police stores, and loot their contents. When the Liberty Navy arrived to pacify the situation, I decided it was time to make my escape. I deep into a field in New York, where I stumbled across a Rouges base... as an enemy of the state, I was more than welcome. The loot I had obtained, along with the value of my starflier, was enough for me to upgrade to a Dagger, which, might I add, is a much more appealing ship than the starflier both in terms of firepower, maneuverability and style!. During my time on the Rouges base, I learnt that the Lane Hackers might be recruiting, and also shared my love for the stylish Dagger. Could it be that I was destined to join one of those lawless gangs which I had feared in the start?

I have been fulfilling job contracts for your organization now, for the past month. I have shot down many Liberty navy ships, encroaching on Mactan, to the point where I feel there is no going back.

I hope my story and my actions will qualify for acceptance into your organization.
(Ré LeQuar)

/end transmission
*encrypting... Please.Wait!*
*encryption.complete! Terminate.hack?*
[Image: dagger.JPG]
>>>load ghost-scrambler programm
<<<LOADING ..... scrambler loaded

>>>load shredder-encrpytion module
<<<LOADING ..... encryption active

<<< recognized

>>>prepare to send message
<<<PREPARING .. ready ... start message


I send you this message, because I heard some rumors that this is the way to come in contact with the Lane Hackers leadership.

I want ... no, I need to become a Lane Hacker!

A few days ago I found out that the terrorist-attack, which killed my father and my wife, and forced me to sell the family-business, was arranged by Ageira.
They wanted any competition out of the way ... even the smallest one. So they hired some dirtbags to blow up our "Headquarters" and our little spacefleet (2 shuttles and 1 transport). And if this wasn`t enough, they aproached me in my mourning-period and offered me to help me rebuild the business. In my naivity I accepted the offer (without reading the fineprint). And so, I became an Ageira-employee. I hated it from the first day ... but I was gratefull to have a job.

Over the last few months, I got communications from an unknown source, with hints of the crime Ageira comitted. I suspected another trap and was very careful but over time I found out the source was legit. He wanted to meet to give me undeniable proof that Ageira was behind the crime against my family and other similar crimes ... but the only ones who came to the meeting where Ageira Internal Security. I was lucky to spot them some seconds before they spotted me an ran for my life.

I gathered some stuff and got away. The last time I checked my secure communications folder, I found some instructions on how to become a Lane Hacker. My source did me a last favour ... and so I followed these instructions. I nearly died some times as some "lawful fighters for Liberty" followed in my tracks, but they lost me in the Badlands. There I met some Liberty Rogues and got in contact with some Lane Hackers. I did some "easy" jobs to earn some money to get me a new ship ... now I am the proud owner of a Dagger with some good weapons and equipment.

To prove my worth, I did some jobs for the Lane Hackers (mainly against Bounty Hunters) and so I hope this is enough to give me the chance to be part of the organised fight against our enemy ...


>>>message end
<<<SAVING ... saved
<<<ENCRYPTING ......... encrypting successful
<<<SENDING ....... message sent

>>>remove traces
<<<REMOVING ...................... complete

>>>terminate session
<<<TERMINATING ...... terminated .... Good By
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