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I know this could be considered reopening a locked topic, but I do think this deserves an answer.

Why are macros banned?
There is literally zero way of tracking use of them, unless Disco starts logging keystrokes or something.

What's the point of an unenforceable rule?

I think it'd be much better to just ignore them, rather than say 'You can't use them. We won't know if you do, but you can't. Kay?' Is that going to stop people?

The answer is obviously no.

Now, I understand the PvP implications of having Macros, they give a slight advantage in certain cases. But, so does having multiple buttons on your mouse. Or Macro keys on your keyboard. Are they banned too?

I have no issues typing out my captain's name before a message, but I am a fairly slow typer and at times it can give me issues. Being (not) punished for breaking a rule that helps me Roleplay faster, stopping others being bored while they wait for a reply, is just dumb.

So, as in the end pointless as this request is, I do request that macros are removed from the interpretation of rule 2.1.
Any program that changes the gameplay of the mod is against the rules.