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But don't forget the RP. Personally I don't like to see things like "I'd rather die than pay", and I'd certainly never say it myself. I can't see any reason for a trader to put a greater value on the cargo, when compared to his ship and life. Unless you're being hired to deliver something of course.

In fact, I'm starting to do the following whenever I get killed
Sell my ship, sell all my weapons, sell my shield.
Buy a new ship, etc.

Keeps me in the right frame of mind whenever I get in a fight.

Anyway, that's just my opinion.
sorry me again, just one precision, am I allowed to use cruise speed in order to escape or will it be inapropriate (always in the case where I'm not fighting back)
Absolutely use cruise if you can.
' Wrote:sorry me again, just one precision, am I allowed to use cruise speed in order to escape or will it be inapropriate (always in the case where I'm not fighting back)

Simple answer:

Trader = Yes

Almost every trader I come up against uses it (Well tries to as I shoot CD's down his Neck)
ok thanks a lot for the answer, I think that's what a regular trader will do, try to escape first and if things goes nasty pay the pirates (provided he had enough credit of course)
Just make sure to give up before they destroy you:).

: I don't really see what it has to do with the fact that he's a trader - is there a situation where cruise engines would be inappropriate?
depends on the seriousness of the encounter - a corsair gunboat taking a few hits by a train - and the train coming back for the gunboat might be re-engagement.... but the corsair would certainly not complain. ( he d just question the mental state of the trader )

but a bounty hunter cruiser engaging cruise and then coming back for the corsair gunboat is on a different leaf.

allright, both incidents are violating the rules, but the later one is a serious re-engagement, while the first one is ... outright stupid and no one would report it as a server violation ( or at least i d hope so )

' Wrote:ok thanks a lot for the answer, I think that's what a regular trader will do, try to escape first and if things goes nasty pay the pirates (provided he had enough credit of course)
When I am asked to pay an unreasonable amount of credits (say, more than 2/3 of my current credits), I proceed along those lines:

1. Hightailing it
2. Haggle it down
3. If he insists, let him have all the cargo instead
----------------------[semi RP] -----------------------
4. If he doesn't want that either, I go down with (little) honor

I wouldn't consider point 4 totally out of RP because at that point all RP options are simply exhausted. Besides, a pirate blowing a stubborn trader to bits is nothing unusual.
My problem is pirates who kill for the sake of killing.

I was stopped by certain individuals and we agreed upon a 2 mil price....when I tried to pay, they increased the price again. After killing my train....(there were 3 VHF's) I see "lol" in system chat....

' Wrote:My problem is pirates who kill for the sake of killing.

I was stopped by certain individuals and we agreed upon a 2 mil price....when I tried to pay, they increased the price again. After killing my train....(there were 3 VHF's) I see "lol" in system chat....

I am completely against that. I mean, Pirates who kill for fun...
Yet I have been accused of this once. The trader in question ran, after taking hull hits he stopped and said he would Pay. Fair enough...
Yet after bringing up the trade window he tried to run again, I open fire. He then stops again and says he'll pay.

No, I only give around 2 chances (Which I think is fair) you blow them you blow..
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