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Full Version: Rick astley needs a sig!
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Rick Astley is now the Mining Director of BMM.

I want two things:
a) transmission headers that are BMM-ish. steampunk to a degree is permitted.

b) siggy
-i use my mafic and fleet of Hegemon miners if that helps
-be creative
-rick roll the audience
-if you need a title, its "Deputy Director of Mining Operations"

unless you convince me why i should pay more, 40 million for sig and the headers (80 million jackpot)

also you must send me the PSD/XCF of the image in the same exact condition as advertised!
What exactly should transmission headers say? What text etc.
Incoming Transmission
Rick Astley
------Deputy Director of Mining Operations
le bump
I am using multiple software, including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Lightroom to get the final result. This means I could not send you the exact final version (especially not the final lighting version), but only the version that was last exported from photoshop.

If this is fine, I'll get on doing you a sig. :]
so long you give me the tools where i can make some textual changes, I would be thrilled
ok why does nobody want to do me a sig? Q_Q
summoning crusader*


summon me too, perhaps? if not, i will keep on walking.
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