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Full Version: Admin Notice: Player Fined
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LNS-BlackOp has been sanctioned for breaking the following rule
Quote:5.9 Disconnecting from the server in a PvP fight to escape, as well as in any other situation that involves player interaction, is not allowed. If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission. If that is not possible, then post on the forums and PM the players involved.

Fined all credits, equipment and cargo.
I did get back to the game and diid talk with the player,hence you sanction me?
I also have a crappy connection...
Check your log to get some ides...
I think you should check the facts again...
Ask Firebird if you want proof...
If you yet insist then I have nothing to do but unregister...
Waiting for your reply
Yeah, you did get back ingame, but only to check if I'm still there. As you figured I was, you disconnected again. You did not talk to me afterwards either. And anyone named Firebird wasn't there at this time aswell.

Edit: Your connection was fine as you attacked me with three other guys, so don't give me that.
LN-FireBird was there...
Consult with Admin..And about threat's...
Well I said I will unregister from LN because that was a LNS .... GOT IT?
And maybe you want to see this...
A jerk named Jimmy.Anderson (Is it you?) was attacking a LNS-Marlin and me....So all that I had to do was to defend!
Don't think we're talking about the same incident then.
*cannon slaps Franklin Carr with a wet fish*

(don't do that again, ok?)

, if you have to deregister, be my guest. I'd rather you stay and found a way to not lose your connection as often.

Oh, also, I don't believe you. Bad connection, pffft.
' Wrote:*cannon slaps Franklin Carr with a wet fish*

(don't do that again, ok?)

, if you have to deregister, be my guest. I'd rather you stay and found a way to not lose your connection as often.

Oh, also, I don't believe you. Bad connection, pffft.

Did not get your last line...
And tell me how you De-register....
No need to believe me dude check your server log!
And as usual , No reply !!!
Hi im firebird well u can see also my age no i have problems with that and im the firebird the player being fined is talking about.

I have a few toons on game, im recent to server 2 weeks only, and i have played and play in groups with frequency with the player being fined for several hours i might add also.

In the time i play with this player in question i see him ld ( lose connection from server) very frequently and we are not fighting anybody usually doing trade most and also in combat i noticed he ld also.
I which to state that is obvious to me that he must have a net provider issue that makes him ld without his knowing and i was about to warn him of the possibility of this kind of thing could happened to him and now i see it really did and i think he didn't ld on purpose at moment of combat. I wich to add that in the day in question of the event that caused fine he was having ld issues with a frequency also.

That day i played with him from my early afternoon to late evening when LN space got attacked by hostiles and were ( LN Faction) was dealing with the situation.
From the beginning of play with player in question till we got separated because of orders of LN Admiral coordinating stuff he ld at least 3 times wile i was with him, and 4rd time was time of fine by my accounts but he could ld more he has that problem with service provider by what i see during the time i play with him.
No need to ld during trade going from one place to another wile threes no problem and that happen wile i was with him alos.

I which to stress inspire of playing frequently with player in question im reporting back what i noticed during my play with player in question to let admin and person that he was fighting know about what i just said.

I believe hes a honourable player and didn't ld on purpose like i don't ld on propose also but i have no issues with my service provider like the player in question has.

Thats all i can say with sincerity by my time i played with player in question and what i observed during my play with player. More questions or information required by admin from me fell free to pm or post and willing to cooperate if more information is required by server admin of what i just said.

Oh yeah! You finally got what you were asking for M3RC.
First the coerce language in PMs (where are you prick and others)
Then 3 disconnections that all magically happened when you were 1 shot before death and best part, I killed you 5 times near California jumpgate. first one was cuz you were bugging me with the rest of your pals and the others were cuz you kept coming and coming and coming and coming. I was tired of killing the same person.
Also your threat to me when I pirated you "I WILL COME BACK WITH A BATTLESHIP AND I WILL MAKE YOU DEAD! YOU NOOB PIRATE" You remember that one?
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