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Full Version: there is a annoying loophole for re-engaging..
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just and a repex killed a NovaPG and TBH in Sigma 13..the TBH die first,,and the NovaPG die after...and when we come back from New Berlin....that TBH member is there...and we fight him without any re-supplying.but he is attacking us with full bots of and repex is already don't have much bots and bats left....after awhile..the novaPG enter New Berlin...TBH and NovaPG work together attacking me and repex...with full bots and bats again....

so......this is very very can just getting kill by some body and enter another system that your enemy is going to enter..and you wait him at there...which it makes no difference with re-engaging in the same system.....

so should we change the rules to

log off after you being kill until he disconnected the server..

and yes...that NovaPG WORK with TBH and attack me together...
firstly, i wanna know about the name of the NovaPG member who did this.
secondly, i dont think that that is actually allowed. if it is, its an issue that HAS to be dealt with, swiftly.
according to the rules, noone can re-engage till the 4 hour curfew isnt up, so i think you may have a potential violation.

on a side note, chuck me the name in PM if you have to. i believe we may have some yelling to do if everything is how you say it is..
Umm, ok...
First, when you die, you're not supposed to interact with the same people you did before. Also you can't be in the same system as before. Plus, doing anything that would force any other players to re engage you is also their fault.

So... From what you explained here, TBH and NovaPG screwed up. Unless there's a part of the story that wasn't explained.
We cant force people to log off after being killed in a system, but what you say makes me wonder. How could NovaPG and TBH could work together? Is that a coincidence that they engaged the same target or just a bizarre cooperation? And signing what Dustin said about re-engage stuff, its already lame to do.
....Nova PG & TBH????.... Thats odd........
Quote:5.10 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not re-engage the enemy (player or players involved in the death) with any of the characters on his/her account(s) for 4 hours.

5.11 After a death in a PvP fight, players are recommended to switch to other characters (preferably with different role-playing status) for no less than 4 hours.

What you describe here is a clear violation of these rules. For some reason people are getting it confused that you may reenter a system that you died in if the person that killed you leaves. In no way does that imply that you may re-engage that person in an alternate system.
yes..for the TBH's name is Banderas.B[TBH]..for NovaPG is NovaPG BR someathing something....and the evidence is a repex member..
Banderas eh.. this is the second time his name has cropped up in the same day, about something which may compromise the TBH's approval of letting him join..

also, BR doesnt help, since there are quite a few of em. if you remember the number at the end of the name, that is MUCH more helpful.
' Wrote:Umm, ok...
First, when you die, you're not supposed to interact with the same people you did before. Also you can't be in the same system as before. Plus, doing anything that would force any other players to re engage you is also their fault.

So... From what you explained here, TBH and NovaPG screwed up. Unless there's a part of the story that wasn't explained.

that TBH taxing trader in New Berlin after he being killed in Sigma 13.and when i come back to New Berlin...i have to engage him for protecting trader.....and after awhile.....the NovaPG enter New Berlin...and they attack me together..after i run back to Planet New Berlin..... that TBH said...kill LC something something (a Orca gunboat).which means he is telling NovaPG to attack those LC gunboats...and that's why i say they work together....

' Wrote:Banderas eh.. this is the second time his name has cropped up in the same day, about something which may compromise the TBH's approval of letting him join..

also, BR doesnt help, since there are quite a few of em. if you remember the number at the end of the name, that is MUCH more helpful.

that NovaPG is in a bomber.....and i am suck at remembering numbers...

firstly, the NovaPG member should not be in New berlin. secondly, he should not be listening to the TBH member. thirdly, the reason i ask you for a specific name is cuz other wise we cant deal with the situation. most NovaPG bombers have similar code for names, and unless you give a specific number, i cant do anything.

as for the matter of not remembering names, thats what screenshots are for matey...
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