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Full Version: If you could time-warp..
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' Wrote:Modern Technology + WW1 = Happyfuntimes. Screw the spacetime continuthingy.

I'm not sure where I saw that story, but there was a novelette where a very modern jet fighter ended up somehow or other on a WWI battlefield. (It had just delivered a nuke, iirc, and was designed to fly at Mach 4.) The modern jet didn't even have guns, just missiles. And the old WWI planes didn't even have enough metal in them for the modern jet to lock onto them from a skin paint radar return.

The modern jet ended up simply flying at Mach 1 through the formation of WWI biplanes, and then the pilot had to eject, because he'd run out of gas.

Actually, the technology from WWI was perfectly adequate for the time. The problem was that the generals were still fighting based on the last war - which is the tendency. You can line up 500 troops on a side with early Napoleonic guns and shoot at each other from 100 feet away, and expect to see 99% misses. You can't do that with rifles.
The Final Coutdown - an 80's B movie depicting a modern aircraft carrier which experiences an anomaly and arrives in Pearl Harbour just before the attack in WW2. They even had a small skirmish with Japanese Zeroes and captured a pilot who grabbed a M16 and sprayed a few security details with lead.

But due to a small budget we never got to see F-16's and Harriers slug it out with Zeroes and sinking battleships in a fleet battle with the Japanese.
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