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Full Version: To all outcasts, opinions please
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[Image: footba3r.png]

Hola fellow outcasts,

seeing with the increasing threat of =CR=, IMG, [Avengers], SMP, and so many more has been noticed, the need to deffend our slave/cardamine/supplies traders has been higher than ever. Therefore id like to suggest the following: a special "faction", ill call it that till a better word comes to mind, that protects traders. we would be noticable by a special symbol so traders can recognize us when in need of help.

Example how this would work: a trader is in trouble or notices hostiles in the system he's going trough, he looks on the long range scanners if there are any outcasts around to help him out. he has heard about outcasts marked with the "K" symbol (i know thats not a symbol but its just a example) and spots one on his long range scans, he sends a message for help and the outcast speeds to the traders rescue

Thats the main idea, any construcitve comments are welcome.

May the orange dream be realized...

[Image: footbar.png]

Please dont troll on this thread, dont leave messages like "bad idea" or something like that, if you comment (and you decide to be a critic) than leave a construtive comment with what the errors are and your vision on improving the errors.

thanks in advance.
1: Wrong section, best have it moved to RP 24/7 General Discussions
2: As long as the ships are limited to Fighters, Bombers, and a few loldentes, it seems good. Outcasts should worry about thier supplies, due to the Corsair War and the war with the CR in the Taus.

No Ransuers rushing to save a trader please.

Lady's and gents, thats the best example of a constructive critic i can give you.

thank you jeremy, both for setting the good example and your ideas/opinion.

your right, ill be sure to remember to mention a no ranseur clausule (unless the enemy has a Battleship ofcourse which i highly doubt)

also : admins if you read this, please move the thread to wherever it is more fit. (i'd do it myself but dont know how or if i even can do that)