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RM hosted RP event.

Mission: 5 Phantom Empire members have been captured in Rheinland, all five have been tried in the Highest courts and found guilty of Crimes against the Chanceller, there fore there sentence is to Work, for life in there Teraforming camps of Planet Harris in Tau-31.
UPDATE:Due to the overwhelming Requests From Liberty and Britonia, the Phantoms will be sent to a Disclosed location in New london.

Objectives:(Pirates) Disable the Prison transport by shooting off all the Turrets, and demand the ejection of the 5 Phantom Prisoners
2.Destruction of the the Prison Transport results in Mission Failure and no Reward.
Objectives:(Escots) Guard the Prison ship all the way to Meeting Location with the Britonian BS, TRansfer of the Prisoners/VIPS will result in a Completed mission.


Rheinland Prisoner ship, will have RH guns and stock sheilds and No Armour upgrade

Going to need Escots and Pirates to attack.

Winning Team will receive 5 mill each for completing there mission.

1. Highest Class ship that can be used is a Gunboat, for either side.
2. Largets Torpedo that is allowed is Sidewinders, Since there is no Armour upgrades, and the goal is not to DESTROY, the ship.
3. There are two Safe systems where Pirates cannot attack, Hamburg, Newyork.
4. Prison ship, and Escorts are Banned from using Jumpholes and can only travel Tradelanes.
5. The Mission cargo, the 5 phantoms will be represented by 5 VIPs, and the rest will be Prisoners.
6. Escorts are banned from shooting Jetisoned Cargo, Or destroying the Prison Vessel.

This Event will take place Next Sunday, at 9PM GMT, any questions please post or PM me.
I guess i can wake up a bit earlier to study, so i make some time in the afternoon to assist to the event. I will play as defender with my 8492 char.
Korrd,Jan 28 2006, 10:09 PM Wrote:I guess i can wake up a bit earlier to study, so i make some time in the afternoon to assist to the event. I will play as defender with my 8492 char.

I got yer back, kOrrd.. 8492nd to the rescue!!!!!!!!

Gah.. now i have Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue going in my head.. *groan*
Its three to no one.... So.... I'll take my place as Phantom Wing Commander unless DarkStar get's a fighter, a better commander comes(I know when to step down :P) or and insane number of Phantom and other pirates come.
When (hour) does it takes place?

Sorry... I saw it's next Sunday !
Angel,Jan 28 2006, 08:18 PM Wrote:This Event will take place Next Sunday, at 9PM GMT, any questions please post or PM me.

Would you like an apple pie with that? (South Park reference.... I think it was South Park)
Oh yeah. A chance to kill good guys for free... >:) I'll be there.

I'll be there to help recover our lost comrades,

I have a question. Would I be allowed to play as a "certain character" that wants to kill the phantoms and escorts and pirates try to stop me while they also try to finish their objectives.

My Objective: Kill the phantoms that are being transported.
Pirates Obj.: Free the Phantoms.
Escort's Obj.: Protect the prison ship.

As my objective conflicts with both pirates and escorts objective they would have to stop me while I try to kill the prison ship or blow up the VIPs. I like this idea :D. So is it okay?
I will not be able to assist to the event. I have a "date" with the swimming pool. (its 40C here, and im feeling dizzy :( )

so, have fun everybody :) !
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