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This I find pretty "badword" annoying.

It happened to my miner today but has happened numerous times in the past with different characters of mine.
When a NPC group doesn't like you they will shoot at you. But why does everyone in the area has to shoot you just because one happen to fly by NPC doesn't like you and decides to shoot you?

Please, do tell me why?

I find this very very very annoying, irritating, "badword" it sucks.
Likely the other NPCs shooting you are allied to the NPC you are hostile to. As such, they help their ally.
Yeah but I am ally with some of them too.

Can this be changed maybe?
I think it's in Freelancer's source code, so no. Not until Micro$oft releases it.
If you are "full green" with a faction, it won't turn full hostile if you have problems with their allies; for example the IMG that are traditionally hostile to BMM, avoid being shot by everything Bretonian that way. Consider it all the simplified system of helping each other.

Since Cannon added the system that prevents docking if you have the reputation below -5,5 (everything below -5,9 is hostile), it can be solved with the less harsh rephacks for your ID - or, as I said before, by repping full friendly to the allies of troublesome faction.
In all fairness it works the other way too. Every time I fly past Planet New Tokyo I start a war between Kusari and Interspace:D

(Seriously, you have no idea how fun it is to watch 5 NPC transports get sniped by NPC battleship patrols)
Please let NPC's stop helping eachother.

Like I was mining in Tau-23 when some NPC Outcast just couldn't stop shooting me, right.
I thought ok let's go to Tau-37 to the Freeport there to get some guns to kill those freaking irritating Outcasts. No problem, while I never come there I meet a pirate on the way to the Tau-37 jumphole, that's all good and all. But then I go to the Freeport and just before I try to dock a IMG "badword" NPC decides to go mad at me and the whole place starts shooting me.

I can't take it anymore..

It's really not helping me to enjoy the game and there are so many things that I hate already.


EDIT: And the ones who can change it have probably more important things to do than listening to my whining.
Wait nevermind..

I'll stop crying now and maybe just stop playing that is maybe a better solution to all this crap.

EDIT: I always say I quit but never do, what is wrong with me?
just become green with the npc faction that owns the base ou want to dock
' Wrote:Wait nevermind..

I'll stop crying now and maybe just stop playing that is maybe a better solution to all this crap.

EDIT: I always say I quit but never do, what is wrong with me?
1. use less "badwords":D
2. calm down, start a second character away from trouble
3. take some time to develop tactics against the NPC situations (either by flying away - if possible, or rephacking or ... whatever you can think of)
4. it's just a game, don't worry:)