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Full Version: Bruschal Base , No name bug.
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This, not much to comment here, picture says more.

EDIT: Photoshope'd bats/bots.
It's because you spell it wrong, it's Bruchsal. 8-|
Q_Q , oh my! I've spelled it wrong, I'm so sorry!

Anyways, do you get the name normal on your game?
I dunno anymore actually. But I remember that it once showed "Unknown" at my screen as well. As I visit Bruchsal almost never, it could be still like that, would have to look up though...too lazy right now. :sleep:
That's because it's very close to the trade lanes, so the devs kind of made it "invisible". Weapon Platforms however are still visible...

But I know a trick in order to chart this base.

Noticed that a while back...not a big deal tho. *shrug*
Yes, The ultimate Bundschuh technology
Its a secret base, no bug :cool:
I thought this was intentional, not a bug?

This, like Fort Leniex can probably be put on your map by using the bartender base info thing.
It`s the same with the Order Battlship Atum in Alaska and the Rogue destroyer in New York. But i think it`s no bug...
One of the bases in Alaska does the same thing. I dunno why it was done to that one no ... its not like there is a planet next to it that you can chart so you can see it when your near the planet ...
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