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[Image: Previous3.png]
Part III:
Dream a Little Dream of Me
[font=Century Gothic]Preludes & Nocturnes
[Image: AHiH.jpg]
[font=Century Gothic]Part IV:
[font=Century Gothic]A Hope in Hell
'For the hundredth time since I regained it, I reach into the pouch and I touch the sand. I sift it through my fingers. Feel each grain of it, inexhaustible. Endless.'

'Like myself, like the few others of my kind...Endless.'

'Tonight I feel alone.'

'I have always been solitary, but here on the nightward shores of the Dreaming, loneliness washes over me in waves, lapping and pulling at my spirit.'

'I sprinkle sand into the waters of night. The grains burn as they fall, reminding me of another in times long passed away.'

'I watched him even then as he fell, his face undefeated, his eyes still proud.'

'It is time for me to walk the abyss. Time to reclaim my own.
I must talk to the Morningstar.'

'...I do not have high hopes for the meeting.'
'I step off the pier and the wind that blows between the worlds chills me as I fall through the emptiness. Suppose I fail?
I cannot bluff Demons, as I bluffed the errant dreams with Constantine. However, I have the pouch. I have a modicum of power.

...I have a modicum of hope.

My feet touchdown on broken glass, and I stand here alone and the Gate of Hell.'
'My visit is unexpected and there is no one to greet me. I approach the pedestal and ring the gong, its sound echoes in the rotten air...'

"There's one at the door, at the gate to Damnation..." an approaching creature declared to me. A slab of walking muscle with grafted appendages. "Is it thief, thug or whore? There's one at the door and there's room for one more till the end of creation. There's one at the door. At the gate to Damnation."

Greetings, Gatekeeper." I say to the Demon."I wish to speak to your Master. Take me to him immediately."

"Oh yes, my Clown. And who might you be?" it asked disrespectfully.

"I have many names, but I am the King of Dreams, of the Nightmare Realms...I seek Lord Lucifer. The Lord of Hell."

"So Where is your Crown?"

"Some Demon has stolen it. I have come to Hell to get it back."

"So where's your Ruby?"

'Enough of this. I reach between the bars and grab the cluster of half-spilling intestines above the navel that serves as the creature's mouth, and assert my authority:'

"I will take no insults from you little demon! Guard your tongue! Lucifer will not be kind to one who insults an honored guest--and I Am a guest in this realm, as I am the monarch of my own...Now open the gate."

"Back to your gate and duty, Squatterbloat!" another approaching Demon said. A yellow, horned one that I recognize. "I'll take the Dreamlord, play his Guardian...For innocents abroad need guides of note--and who notes more than me...? Than Etrigan?"
"Etrigan, yes, Merlin's demon. I remember you." I say to him in greeting as he allows my entrance. "So you're a Rhymer now? You've risen in Hell's hierarchy, I see."

"Things change. This way...Things Earth and Hell...To rise among the Fallen? Strange and true, but as things change, Lord, they transmute as well...and if I've changed, then what of you?"

"I have been...absent...for some time. But changed...? Perhaps."

'We walk for miles in silence. Away from the Desert of Broken Glass and into an area thick with misery. The trees are dead and they are self-loathing.'

"...All too much." one of them says as we pass it. "Sandra knew everything. And the I had to. Had to get out. Needed a break...just hurting so much...but I thought the hurting would can i just make it stop?"

'The Wood of Suicides has changed since my last visit. I remember it as a tiny grove...It is now a forest. Hell is changing.'
My guide leads me along a high and narrow cliff face path, beside cramped prison cells built into the rock and supported by bone. The lacerated fingers of each prisoner stretching out between the barbed wire and broken glass that holds them in as we pass.

This goes on for miles.

Never trust a Demon. He has a hundred motives for anything he does...ninety-nine percent, at least, are malevolent.

"Etrigan...Why did you bring me this way?"

"Upon your right are souls, entombed, to pity. An ugly sight..." he began to answer, just as the answer itself begins to speak directly to me from her cell. Her name is Nada but time is short and her story is for another day.

"Kai'ckul! Dreamlord! I hoped one day you would come to me! free me, My Love! ...Please?

Her voice has horaced to the point of ruin. Her spirit has been broken and it has dimmed her soul...though, in spite of all that, she is still as beautiful to me as the day I met her.

"I greet you, Nada. pains me to see you like this."

"Kai'ckul! Free me Lord!" She pleaded desperately up to him from behind the wire. "You ordered me confined here! Your forgiveness can free me! Please, I implore you!...Don't you love me?"

"It has been ten thousand years, Nada. Yes, I still love you...but I have not yet forgiven you."

I turn my back on her and continue on my way with Etrigan.

"...Now! Onward to the City! Hahahaahahaha!!" he cackled.
'We do not talk for the rest of the journey to the city of Dis.'

'Lucifer's palace. It too, has changed. It echoes with loss and pain. The last time I came to this place it was as an honored guest, an envoy from my own kingdom. This time I lack power, I lack my symbols of office...but I am still Dream, and the doors open as we arrive.'

'We travel to the summit, past vastly halls that echo of screams and grunts and sighs and dust. Up stairs that run with blood. At the top of his mansion he waits for us, alone.'

"Greetings to you, Lucifer Morningstar." I say to him upon entry to his presence.

'He turns to face me, looking exactly as I remember him. His wings burned and frayed, but otherwise, flawless as the day he was created.'

[Image: Luci1.png] he said. [Image: Luci2.png]
[Image: Luci3.png]
"You know my views on that, Lightbringer."
[Image: Luci4.png]
"My helm was stolen from me." I began. "I believe one of your demons has it. I would like it back...Now."
[Image: Luci5.png] he replied. [Image: Luci6.png]
"Things have changed? What are you trying to tell me, Lucifer Morningstar? That you no longer rule Hell? That the demons no longer follow your laws?...Things do not change that much, proud one."

[Image: Beelzebub1.png]Declared a large insectoid demon as he entered the room and proceeded across the ceiling in order to join the two of us on the balcony. [Image: Beelzebub2.png]
[Image: Luci7.png]
"Thank you, we have met. So you spoke the truth, Proud Lord of Lies. Hell is now a Diumvirate."
[Image: Beelzebub3.png] Beelzebub corrected.
[Image: Luci8.png] Lucifer volunteered.
[Image: Luci9.png]
'Almost as if on cue, the other demon joins us. This one a levitating mass of flesh with no appendages and fully covered with multiple mouths, eyes and sexual organs.'
[Image: Azazel1-1.png]
"Hell, a Triumvirate?" I muse aloud, unsure yet if I am amused or disturbed by this new information. "Things change indeed...Very well. I seek a demon, who has stolen my helm of office. I wish it back."
[Image: Beelzebub4.png] offered Beelzebub.
[Image: Azazel2-1.png] Azazel added.
"I do not know the demon's name."
The Morningstar let loose a laugh that sends a chill to my core as he says,
[Image: LuciX.png]
'Myself and the three rulers of Hell stand upon a high plateau, overlooking every demon in Damnation in every direction for as far as the eye can see. The space that separates me from them offers absolutely no comfort.'
[Image: Luci11.png] Lucifer queried.
'I look at them. Some I recognize from nightmares. Others have passed through the Dreamworld in days gone by, but there are just so many...'
I take a moment to steel my nerve, then allow my voice to carry as I address the masses. "One of you is in possession of my helm, my mask of pure dream. I crafted it myself from the bones of a dead god. It is one of my tools..."
'Even as I speak the words, I know it will do me no good. I hold no dominion or sway over these monsters within this place and I am trapped at the mercy of The Devils hospitality.' "...and you will return it to me now."
I reach into my pouch as I picture my helm in my minds eye. I ask myself who has it and throw sand into the wind. The grains lift into the putrid air as a living thunderhead and then jets into the horde, clinging like a magnet to the guilty party.
I point in the distance towards a demon in drag and tell the Hell-Lords:
"That one."
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