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Full Version: Where did human race gone wrong
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"Man has killed man from the beginning of time, and each new frontier has brought new ways and new places to die. Why should the future be different?"

<div align="right]Colonel Corazon Santiago,
Spartan battle manual

<div align="right]Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Chaos is not what Sirius has fallen into.
Boredom and anticipation for the next mod is what it has fallen into.
war fun peace boring.

Quote:- humanity finally in harmony
- social and economically perfect, people have wealth and time to live long and prosper
- there are not conflicts anymore
- there are sufficient resources for everyone and everything
- medical care allows health and a long life for everyone alike

- nomads totally failed to spread distrust due to harmony between all human beings

Did anyone thought to make a server based on that, then see the real effect.?.
Apparently it does on disco, where nations tell their enemy what they are doing next.
' Wrote:Chaos is not what Sirius has fallen into.
Boredom and anticipation for the next mod is what it has fallen into.

That and

TO comment on the one who says everything was just fine before the Nomad're wrong. So...wrong.

But I would actually enjoy if Sirius was flipped upside down and inside out. Completely eradicate the boarders and create smaller nations from the constant wars.

Like I have mentioned in posts before this is really getting to what I call "Dark Ages," for Sirius.

So I am for it as long as Igiss starts making more weight to the conflicts than previously before. Faster wars and faster control changes.
Well. Humanity went wrong when Eve ate the apple. And then forced Adam to eat it. Damn them.

And humans are human. They will never unite into a singular entity. There will ALWAYS be dissent.
In the other hand, although all nations of Sirius are at war somehow they aren't rely trying to win very hard, have you seen Leeds or Hudson jump gates, you can scarcely see few fighters shooting each other there, there should be dozens of ships constantly fighting there, and constantly spawning, that is the way war is made, not this.
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