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Full Version: Violation Report
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Might not be the right place to post, but Here it is regardless.

Text conversation, coming from Log

[03.07.2011 12:02:46] GMG|GTS-Esashi-Maru: Konnichiwa, Republican.

[03.07.2011 12:03:20] RepEx-Shipping|034: Daniel: What was that junker doing?

[03.07.2011 12:03:35] GMG|GTS-Esashi-Maru: That junker? He is a common pirate. I have fallen prey to him before.

[03.07.2011 12:03:51] GMG|GTS-Esashi-Maru: with littel regard for the rules.

[03.07.2011 12:03:53] RepEx-Shipping|034: Daniel: Is that so?

[03.07.2011 12:04:02] Traffic control alert: RepEx-Shipping|034 has requested to dock

[03.07.2011 12:04:02] Evil Junker pirate: pay 1m

[03.07.2011 12:04:08] Traffic control alert: GMG|GTS-Esashi-Maru has requested to dock

[03.07.2011 12:04:27] Death: GMG|GTS-Esashi-Maru was killed by Evil Junker pirate(Gun)

Screenshots of the attack:

Initial attack Attack beginning

Just before destruction Attack before culmination

LOCATION: Outside Gas Miner Naha

I realise this is not house territory, and it is not an offence to the same degree as last time. However, the demand of 1m was made and I was unable to respond to it. I believe this violates the RP before engagement rules.

If I need to provide further evidence, I can try.
Read just about every thread in THIS sub-forum, then post it in there.

These things are made visible to admins only in there for a reason.
*sigh* It wouldn't let me post in there. But I can reformat the thing to fit better.
Note that, once the report is posted, it's instantly made invisible to everyone bar admins, including you.
The pirate asked you 1 million, you requested to dock, he killed you. Nothing wrong there.
And that is acceptable?
It's true that his RP was meh but your intention to run and not give him what he asked was obvious and he did what he had to. What's the rule you wanted to report him for?
what did you expect him to do? he made demand you tried to run... your problem.
Very well then. I stand corrected, no violation.
Although, I will at least say that what do you expect me to do? I have been hit by the same player merely 30 minutes before where he didn't bother to Roleplay and even destroyed me AFTER I paid him and was only unlucky enough to not know the rules and regulations regarding screenshotting and so I could not be helped. is it not natural to try and avoid the same player again?
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