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Full Version: New Yourk House rules?
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This afternoon I logged into my Mercenary Pilot for some flight time.
When I came out I saw a battle going on between Law Enforcement units, and some Hackers. I joined in until some one started to tell me to get out as it was an RP event between LSF and Hackers.
Thats all and fine, but if it is an RP event, why is it that I saw a SA fighter in it, and some Navy units as well.
Then some one pops up with the "Aint Marcs banned from Liberty?" Just where in the rules does it Limit what kind of Pilot can and can not be in what system?
What gives?
I told the guy to make me leave and next thing I know, I am flat out diconnected from the server and it wont relist iteslf for me to rejoin.
If this was an Admin thing, then why did the Admin not show up, for as far as I know, they fly their own ship and tags and I saw NONE in New York. And what gives others the right to dictate where I may or may not fly?
I dont see anywhere in the Rules that limits locations of players or their types, because if that is so, it shoiuld be added to the ID.

Thats my grip for now. I am sure I will add to this as some one responds and tried to say something compleatly different.
It's against the laws of Liberty, not server rules. You'll be prosecuted by the Navy, LSF and Police if you don't leave, but not the admins.
Gosh, you are unlucky.

You probably did not get banned, the server crashed immediately after you were told about the merc rule.

I'm sure SA could give you a better answer, but there is a merc ban in Liberty. You can be in the systems, its just that you might get shot at by Liberty forces.
Wait, the merc ban is still active?
yes it is apparently, though nobody ever thought about stopping me... anyhow.
Yes, it is.

Just wait until the responsible parties have had their fill of locking down their system from potential "threats."

That's not to say I don't feel the same way about these foolish bans though.
I don't find them foolish.

If you were a faction leader of one of the House Militaries, and mercs were flying in fulfilling bounties on your men(some of these being oorp bounties), you might do the same thing, especially if some of these mercs attack out of the blue after sitting in front of you for 10 minutes.

In fact, I must praise this ban.

It's brought another person to the forums.
The problem is they don't realize those hunting bounties on their men aren't going to give a crap about a silly ban when their objective is to kill officers.

And that's my personal problem with it, it's lazy and inconsiderate.

Edit: But this isn't the place for that discussion unfortunately.
No wonder all the mercs flying by me were looking at me funny...
good on rulues from players is... you can ignore them:)

Is very funny imagine thier red faces when they see you on monitor how you breake their rules:D

For example navy or police ships with pilot under lvl 30:Dor when big mercanery ship come to Rheinland and 2 RMs in LF can only fly around him like flyes and spam chat about merc-ban in Rheinland. I plan to record something with theme gong from Beny Hill and =LSF=:D
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