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Full Version: Flying an Argus
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I've recently acquired an Argus Battlecruiser and I'm wondering just how I should fly it. I can't kite with it since it only has 90 Thrust, and I can't go toe to toe with anything because it can either fly away (Vs Cruiser or Smaller) or utterly crush me (Battleship).

Basically, what I'm asking is "how i fly arrgh gus"
Hmm, same question for LABC I guess.

I've killed a LABC with me a GS, and another Gunboat. EASILY.
Just thrust out of range and pulse + razor it to death. It's Cruiser shield goes down fast.
You don't.
Not flying it isn't exactly an option you know xD
' Wrote:Not flying it isn't exactly an option you know xD

Don't fly alone ... ?
You don't.

The Argus is an awful combat ship due to its shape, at least the LABC is thin and can box well.


Edit: BCs as I see them;

LABC - Situationally great (it works really well anti cap as it's very thin and kites BSs very well, gets solo'd by Bombers though)
Bullhead - Great anti cap due to its thrust and shape, not bad at running away from snubs due to its thrust : D
Geb - Can tank well, cant really do anything else, counters the LABC somewhat though
Argus - Cant do anything particularly well
That's better advice. As part of a team, what sort of role should the Argus take? Like, what should I do in order to best help the team?
' Wrote:That's better advice. As part of a team, what sort of role should the Argus take? Like, what should I do in order to best help the team?

Hit bigger ships hard with the superior power of yours. Honestly tho', never been flying this thing.
Treat it like a Liberty Dread. Keep on the edge of their primary range and hit them with heavy guns.

Or if you want to be a troll, just outfit it fully with pulses and 1-hit their shields
Wait till 4.86 I guess, until they give it its thruster.

But still, giant target for snacing.
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