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<strike>Disney's</strike> James Cameron's
<strike>Pocahontas</strike> Avatar

In the year <strike>1607</strike> 2154, a ship carrying <strike>John Smith</strike> Jake Sully arrives in the lush "New World" of <strike>North America</strike> Pandora. The settlers are mining for <strike>gold</strike> Unobtanium, under supervision of <strike>Governor Ratcliffe</strike> Colonel Quaritch.
<strike>John Smith</strike> Jake Sully begins exploring the new territory, and encounters <strike>Pocahontas</strike> Neytiri. Initially she is distrustful of him, but a message from <strike>Grandmother Willow</strike> The Tree of Souls helps her overcome her trepidation.
The two begin spending time together, <strike>Pocahontas</strike> Neytiri helps <strike>John</strike> Jake understand that all life is valuable, and how all nature is connected through the circle of life. Furthermore, she teaches him how to hunt, <strike>grow crops</strike> tame dragons, and all of her culture. We find that her father is Chief <strike>Powhatan</strike> Eytucan, and that she is set to be married to <strike>Kocoum</strike> Tsu'tey, a great warrior, but a serious man, whom <strike>Pocahontas</strike> Neytiri does not desire. Over time, <strike>John</strike> Jake and <strike>Pocahontas</strike> find they have a love for eachother.

Back at the settlement, the men who believe the natives are savages, plan to attack the natives for their <strike>gold</strike> unobtanium.
<strike>Kocoum</strike> Tsu'tey tries to kill <strike>John</strike> Jake out of jealousy, but is later killed by the settlers. As the settlers prepare to attack, <strike>John</strike> Jake is blamed by the <strike>Indians</strike> Na'vi, and is sentenced to death. Just before they kill him, the settlers arrive. Chief <strike>Powhatan</strike> is <strike>nearly</strike> killed, and <strike>John</strike> Jake sustains injuries from <strike>Governor Ratcliffe</strike> Colonel Quaritch, who is then <strike>brought to justice</strike> shot with arrows.
<strike>Pocahontas</strike> Neytiri risks her life to save <strike>John</strike> Jake. <strike>John and Pocahontas</strike> Jake and Neytiri finally have eachother, and the two cultures resolve their differences.

You.... just found that out?
' Wrote:You.... just found that out?

Nah, just waited with posting it. You know me and forums:P
We know
Add the original post and then the plot of "Dances With Wolves" and pretty much yes.
I always wanted a quotable version.

Good one.
[Image: 1293007924420.jpg]
The first unquestionably positive critique I see about Avatar - It's better than Pocahontas. :)
' Wrote:And lest not forget, that Pocahontas did not leave that much internet inspired porn either.
I find it refreshing that you think so.

Also, Laowai is right about Dances with Wolves (another Academy Award Winner). Avatar is almost a carbon copy of that story, but actually, the whole thing is a trope that goes back over a century at least. The Jungle Book and Tarzan have echoes of it, and Kipling's poem The White Man's Burden is perhaps the most succinct expression of it.

It's kind of funny that after half a century of post modern deconstruction of history, patriarchy, and white racism, films created by elite, white liberals that celebrate white, male supremacy over lesser races earn top awards and become huge worldwide money earners (note that in both Dances With Wolves and Avatar that while the dark skinned natives win, it's because the sympathetic white man taught them how to win). The more things change, the more things stay the same.