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Full Version: Ban "join my faction" in Welcome subforum.
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I know the OP isn't great, I was pretty mad about several things when I made it. But my point stands anyway, I think more than one line is necessary.
Couldn't care less. Let people say whatever they want, not like it affects you in any way.
like smoking, these '+1 in the welcome thread' habits, eh?
' Wrote:And don't you think the guy should know more about what's he's going to get into before taking a decision ? Is it that hard to describe the faction you're into and what you usually do ?

All the relevant information would be on the faction information page. No need to regurgitate stuff that's available at the click of a button.
This thread is symptomatic of a very widespread psychosomatic ill known as Icannotunseeitosis.

In cases such as these, it can be easily treated by a light dosage cocktail containing 25mg of self-control & 50mg of willpower.*

*In cases where the above dosage is insufficient, ingesting one-half of a chill pill every twelve hours in addition is acceptable until the desired results are achieved.


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