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Full Version: Sirious sector galaxy map
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I'm aware of the map on the main page, but it's really small and not too clear. Is there a bigger one available somewhere?

Thank you.
on the page on discovery where you download the 4.84 finalmod,there is a picture of the entire Sirius Sector above it.
You mean site?

I found that map, but it's the one I mean being really small. Any bigger and clearer ones available?
Try this:

It's a political map, but it should work:)
' Wrote:You mean site?

I found that map, but it's the one I mean being really small. Any bigger and clearer ones available?

no i mean discoverygc, search 4.84 final.
*cough* FLCompanion*Cough*
What? One with all of the details of all the systems included, entirely ruining the fun of finding them out yourself?

Yeah, "Go Discover" is what I suggest. It's more fun... Seriously, you can only do this ONCE, do it the easy way, you'll miss LOADS fun.
FLComp only gives locations of JHs and bases, nothing else
I only use it when mapping out a trade route
Oh, well, then it's perfectly legal..
Is it possible that you people are so bored that you can't actually follow the white stripes on your map?
Yes, the ones that appear once you select : "Pathable somethin" in your nav map.
It works for most systems.


I made the map Etaphreven posted a link to. It's main usage for me was to be printed out. You can do it right now, hang it on your wall and never have to worry again about that slow loading navmap thing for finding directions.

It also shows you the dangerous areas. The more red the more pirates and terrorists you'll encounter.

There is a BUG if you print it out in BlackN'White where neutral space will have the same color as friendly space. You can fix it pretty fast yourself with GIMP or something if you need a BlackNWhite map for your printer.
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