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Full Version: To whoever did it
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Quote:...may not ally with non-Zoner lawfuls for the purpose of defending against Nomads or Wild unlike the Order ID

I find it confusing. Shooting nomads and protecting humanity from aliens is Order's job and RP. The fact that Core and Order MAY decide to kill keeper first does not mean that Order allied with Core, which both sides after eliminating nomad are very likely to turn against each other...

Also ships usable by Order:

I very doubt Corsairs will give us anything, and likewise Order wont give stuff to Corsairs anymore since alliance ceased to exist months ago. Double error is with Persephone which is unique (there can be only one) zoner battleship.
That what is inferred in the Order ID vs the Order Guard ID. While it seems stupid, the page was a recommendation for change in template, not rules regarding the ID. Therefor it was simply changed to what can be logically deduced from the ID.

The line in the Order ID states that this may be done, while its counterpart is absent in the Order Guard ID. Therefor it must be stated, though I suppose the part mentioning Zoners could be replaced with a blanket lawful, which would also be technically accurate.

IMO the guard ID should be allowed to ally with Zoners for anti-nomad purposes just like the Order ID, but that's not how it is.
Why are prison liners listed as caps on this page?
Also, I doubt that Imps, Arguses, Zephyrs, Hydras, the Persephone, and any zoner caps are permitted to be "freely" used by Order.
Would you rather it say "Big Ships", "Significant Ships", "Important Ships", "Liners/Capital Ships"? Actually the last two sound pretty good.

Liners often need clarification and are worth listing. They may be civilian but are restricted by many ways, most often by legality and cargo.

I assumed everyone would be able to put it together, things under "Freely Usable" are freely usable, under Battleship/Cruiser/GB need permission (white cells)
' Wrote:That was just attempt by someone to merge pages of regular and Guard IDs into on. Don't worry.

EDIT: Just great. *facepalm*. Mod, please hide/delete this. ~Snak3

Okay, now you've got me confused.

Was this page simply an experiment in showing how things could be different in updating the wiki, or was this an attempt to modify the Order Guard ID?

The reason I ask is that, obviously, the |Core are fierce fighters against the Order for control of Nomad technology. BUT - we'll temporarily work together with them when a bunch of blue boys show up.
An experiment in showing how things could be different in the wiki. The Guard ID should be parented to its root ID in my opinion, with the ID permission defaulting to the same as the regular variant of the ID until otherwise noted.

EDIT (anti-bump): And Omicron, don't try your ridiculous condescending word games. I have no need and you have no right to ask me to consult admins before making a copy of a page to {{PAGENAME}}/2 and calling for input. That is standard procedure with any major template change, so screw off.
"Guard IDs have special privileges and restrictions. In comparison to the normal ID, a pilot with an Order Guard ID...

...may not ally with Zoners for the purpose of defending against Nomads or Wild."

okay, why would the guard id holders not be allowed to ally with their allies? I think someone was drunk and/or high when writing this.

Another screw up:

Zone of Influence
The Order Territory: Alaska, Omicron Delta, Omicron Minor, Omicron Major, Omicron-100
The Omicrons: Omicron-74, Omicron-90, Omicron-92, Omicron-99, Gamma, Iota, Kappa, Theta

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but isn't Omicron-74 the Zoner Guard system? How can any faction claim the guard system of another as part of their ZOI? ESPECIALLY since, according to the first quoted id rule, Order Guard aren't even allowed to ally with Zoners anymore. I'd be the first to say "not an ally? turn around, get out, and stay out."
That happens when you don't consult admins/faction and do stuff you have little idea about.