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Quote:Bombers are military vessels built to take on heavier ships like Gunboats, Transports and capital warships. They can be equipped with Bomber guns as well as heavy energy weaponry which, while being rather ineffective against fighters and other bombers, can seriously hurt larger ships, which in turn often employ fighter wings to fend off approaching bombers.

FLD wiki

Is this how it is working in the game?

Fighters> bombers > big heavy fat targets > fighters

Then freighters get owned by every class unless you're Han Solo flying the MF.
Quote:Bombers are military vessels built to take on heavier ships like Gunboats, Transports and capital warships. They can be equipped with Bomber guns as well as heavy energy weaponry which, while being rather ineffective against fighters and other bombers, can seriously hurt larger ships, which in turn often times are completely screwed because fighters cannot kill the bombers before the capital ship is dead


Quote:Until then, I'll explain to you that it took a handful of torpedoes to sink the largest battleship every put to sea, and even fewer to sink its sister-ship converted into an aircraft carrier. I'll explain to you how one modern torpedo can destroy the backbone of any sea-going ship to date, not to mention how dangerous even old anti-ship missile designs such as the Exocet design can still be. Even movies follow some vein of logic; ever wonder why the commander of the aircraft carrier in Top Gun nearly blew a fuse when enemy planes came within 200 miles of his ship?

Ah, this old comparison again?

Cant compare 1940's to fictional space game sorry.

Not logical.

Quote:If you want logic over balance, then I positively welcome your suggestion. It means that the Zoners, without any experience in warships, would be stuck at the bottom of the Navy-Police-Pirate-Zoner chain. After all, that's totally logical, right? Pirates put together what they can find, Navies and Police have legions of experts and precise machines to manufacture their things, as well as significant financial backing, but nobody can buy their way like Im sure you think the Zoners could out of being crushed. See: First Gulf War.

How do you know this? The Zoners are a group of many different people from everywhere in Sirius. Possibly, capital ship mechanics, officers, etc. The Zoner's definately could buy our way out of it of course, we trade with everyone and we can threaten to cut off vital supplies... etc.

You are the weakest link, Goodbye.
If you had as much charisma as Anne Robinson, you'd have a job at the BBC.

Kuwait bought it's way out of being invaded by Iraq did it? Im pretty sure the Americans saved them, actually.

Quote:Ah, this old comparison again?

Cant compare 1940's to fictional space game sorry.

Not logical.

And if there is no logical basis for the precedent for space combat, how can you claim any of your views are a logical development of such a concept, which has no logic behind it itself? Note, I never claimed my views of it were, just that yours were not.

Zoners are many different peoples. And they're disorganised. People work together to accomplish things, but Zoners tend to "stick apart" to use a phrase I've seen Malaclypse use. Who built your battleship again?
I did a practice battle with Asbestos (who is an extremely good PvP pilot) and a few others. It was a mock battle with me in a RM BS and them in a our GMG bombers. I managed to hhit Asbestos with my Mortar doing a tremendous amount of damage. Should the mortar be nerfed/removed/ineffective vs Fighters (ie zero dmg to anything smaller then cruiser)? Let's drop player skill here (doesn't count right?) we now know the Mortar can do this. We need to end this from happening ever again. The survivability of the server depends on it.
[Image: popcorn2.gif]

You fellas and your silly arguments.... lrn2play'nbehappy

Everyone has access to bombers anyways, so if you really think it's so awesome, get one and try it out for yourself... It's not like someone is stopping you...
' Wrote:You fellas and your silly arguments.... lrn2play'nbehappy

Everyone has access to bombers anyways, so if you really think it's so awesome, get one and try it out for yourself... It's not like someone is stopping you...
This is a silly and ignorant argument Veygaar.
So in conclusion of this threat:

Delete the SNAC, make Bombers what they should be.
' Wrote:This is a silly and ignorant argument Veygaar.

It wasn't an argument, it was an opinion rather.

Also, I don't think this posts of yours was silly, somehow.
I'm going to go out on a limb here (points on both sides).

The SNAC is a gun created out of a lack of options. The anticap weapon freelancer was designed around was the torpedo. In vanilla the torpedo is an effecting weapon because Caps have no shields; torps have issues and must be fired direct into a shield hard-point to drop shields.

If you are a capital ship pilot who doesn't like the SNAC, understand that the SNAC is a consolation for you having a shield.

If you are a bomber pilot who likes the SNAC (think we all do), understand that the SNAC is essentially a stopgap measure because of limitations in freelancer's engine.

The SNAC exists in large part due to limitations. These limitations have (from what I have heard) been overcome. Just as class 10 guns came and went for bombers; this will as well.
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