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Full Version: How far should in-game politics go?
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As the title says, while the in-game lore and such only touches on political factions and the like, and SCRA being on the left side of things with several other factions, how far can we take the political side of roleplay?

Is it a 'no-limit' or 'use (un)common sense'?

I ask this since its somewhat prohibited in the RL side of things.
I'd say RL politics can make people feel resentment and anger so it makes sense to keep the peace by limiting the discussion.

Disco politics is not the kind of thing someone can really get offended by, so I'd say free reign with in-game politics. The entire game is political by nature afterall.
I say Falkland Base should be renamed. Islas Malvinas Base suits better, specially since IMG and BAF dont get along well, and also taking into account the fact that Hispanic roots are around (Outcasts and such).
I think you could compare them to those of today...

But any further and you'll just start arguments.

Ironically I have a question - tottaly you're opinion I wanna know pertaining to this but I was too escared to make a topic about soley it...


We have lots of wars going around here. Nothing quite like a World War yet. (Although Gallia may cause something like that I have a feeling, something like Kusari/Liberty/Bretonia alliance against Gallia)

Do you think any nation(s) have instituted conscription? What do you think the general theme of politics are... in Freelancer's (or, Discoveries since we have passed so far along from the original game (19 years)

Perhaps Kusari/Rhienland have? These two seem more... dictatorial...

As for Hispania I wont even go there because frankly I have no clue.

What do you think? And no im not trying to start fights or troll or whatever silly pathetic thing you might accuse me of, I really, really wanna know because it might lead me to a new interesting RP story for either a Rhienland or Kusari lawful char... which im really craving right now due to extreme boredom with every other character I have.
@ fletch & your OP: The short answer is to simply use common sense.

Character politics exist only in our collective fantasy world & not truly related to RL politics.

When you boil off all the amazing stupidity that a minority of drama hounds like to create by crossing epeens, The server ::and forums:: are really nothing but a stage for us to play an ancient video game, have fun shooting at and talking to our online friends & really nothing much more beyond that.
' Wrote:As for Hispania I wont even go there because frankly I have no clue.
Bretonia has started conscription.
As for Corsairs and Outcasts, they're bred from birth to aid the war and the pirating and for the glory of the Empire!
' Wrote:I say Falkland Base should be renamed. Islas Malvinas Base suits better, specially since IMG and BAF dont get along well, and also taking into account the fact that Hispanic roots are around (Outcasts and such).
Interesting way of pushing this offtopic. Falkland base was named that way in the vanilla game already, so renaming it isn't likely to happen. Also: IMG and BAF get along just fine last I'm told.

As to how far politics can go: It can go as far as players/factions want, as long as you do not breach the limitations of your ID. If your ID says "can't ally with unlawfuls" then you shouldn't be allying with unlawfuls. The loophole of "we'll declare and recognize them as legal" doesn't work for admins.
' Wrote:When you boil off all the amazing stupidity that a minority of drama hounds like to create by crossing epeens, The server ::and forums:: are really nothing but a stage for us to play an ancient video game, have fun shooting at and talking to our online friends & really nothing much more beyond that.
Such a valid point.
There should be no limits. If someone feels like playing a extreme bolshevist it's fine. If someone choose to play right-radical extremist who wants to exterminate some kind of people it's fine. If we have some religiuos fundamentalist fanatic who advocates suicide bombing for "greater cause" it's fine as well.

At the end of the day you can find everything offensive, abusive. It all goes down to your own subjective point of view. If you are an old fart who wants to deny other people's way of playing that is your problem and not something objective to argue or dispute about.

After all, freelancer world if already very violant place. And just becouse intented violance is not directed at some particular group doesn't make violance less violant.

Get over it.
A problem is that sometimes people tend to live out certain political views / phantasies in the game, fully knowing that it will provoke other people, and feeling brave and rebellious in the process. Its a kind of "Ha I can say that in RP and I know some will see it as political propaganda and vilifying of real life groups of people, but I can easily just say its only RP and call them touchy and intolerant, as long as I walk the thin line without crossing it too far" game.

The bad blood that creates is one thing, but apart from that aspect, there is also the resulting loss of immersion into the freelancer universe. Many times that sort of RP doesn't really reflect something that would logically happen in that particular house or faction.

I'll give an examples... Rhineland RP which is pretty much a rendering of space nazis, with nazi uniforms in signatures/avatars and xenophobic and somewhat racist orientation. I'm not pointing at the offense that it may cause some people, but the feeling that someone is bringing something that is not lore or canon RP, if there is such a thing, into the freelancer universe.

I think if it would help if there was more easily accessible (news reports, info cards, bar rumors) information on the kind of government that is in place. On the other hand, that already exists to an extent and some people will ignore it anyway. Maybe the official factions should make an example of strictly Freelancer-lore only and involve indies in events that give them and idea of how canon RP should look like.

But of course that is more easily said than done.
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