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Full Version: Bars on New Bases
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I'm sure everyone has noticed that bars in bases created in Discovery are duplicates of existing Vanilla ones. Even down to the pop-up names on the patrons, and the rumours they tell. Example, Bornholm is a copy of Trafalgar (IIRC) -- Talk to some guy in Bornholm and he will give you a totally irrelevant factoid involving far-off Bretonia:P

Obviously the new bases are copy&paste jobs from the old ones, and that's ok. My question is: Is there a technical reason why infocards have not been created/updated for the new bars? Or is it a case of no one has gotten around to doing it?

If the answer is the second, then I would be honoured to lend my time in creating rumours & infocards for the new bars in Disco:)
My impression is that it is hard and confusing work. Changes affect one another, and then Igiss reviews everything that gets added, so while there is no real technical hurdle, there are hurdles built into the Disco update process...
How about if there was an infocard database that we could use to submit updates?

It could be color-coded or something.

For example: Igiss could post a list of links of the cards that need changing (the red ones)...Existing cards w/ continuity errors (yellow)...& a list of green ones, just so we could stare at it & pat ourselves on the back.:P

I think that if the opportunity were invited, alot of people would be willing to help.

the person that fixes the most card errors could possably get something mentioned about their character in a factoid as a prize.
' Wrote:the person that fixes the most card errors could possably get something mentioned about their character in a factoid as a prize.
Where's Juan when you need him? :(

Marburg your avater is just creepy, I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.:blink:Thanks.

Now, what were we talking about? Oh yes. I agree, I would love helping out with the updating. Igiss is this possible?
I'd be happy to help out too.

Give me something to do while stuck at work:)

Well, when work gets boring that is...