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Full Version: Sanctions - What is it, and why do i have one in my inventory
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I was looking at my inventory , couse i bought some Parishable foods .. but i was lagging so bad on my broad band cell phone network card i logged off.. when i log on My inventory is empty, and i have a Sanctions Card in it.

I went to discovery TS and asked Cowboy.. he looked on the forums and dident see anything. Now if its a bad thing the only thing i think it could be from is the fact i have a civilian ID... I did have a trader ID till a pirate killed me, and i dont know where to get another Trader ID.. Every time i go to a base it says I need to be on friendlyer terms or they dont sell em. So another player told me to get a civilian ID till i am able to get a Trader ID couse some ID is better then NO ID.

So i did... and went on my way.. I was fixing to take these Parishable Goods to manhatten station, where i belive i bought my last Trader ID.

Anyways ... make a long story short.. Why do i have this in my cargo bay.. and what does it mean...

*is still a newbie here... and a newbie to Freelancer the game*

You shouldn't lose your ID when you die...make sure it is equiped before you launch...its that little puzzle square on the top left corner of the it to make sure the two pieces are together...this means it is equipped and won't be lost if you die. If you are still friendly with LPI (its the default setting) you can get a Trader ID on Manhattan.