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Full Version: Idea that may aid the developers
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Crowd Programming in my mind is something that could be considered in the future of the mod's development, though maybe not until post 4.86 release. But here is the idea anyhow.

The developers would share the workload with not just the current staff, but by uploading the work that can be done by coders/programmers or anyone willing to help in any way with the right knowledge. I've taken a look at some Freelancer code and it does... scare my at first since programming isn't my forte, but if I sat down and crunched it I could churn something out.

This could mean that a number of us on here have the capability of aiding the developers by crunching some numbers or error checking, or just debugging new code to try and find errors. The more testing the better in ANY kind of programming.

So, would it be a good idea for the developers to release some files they need help on, or just tasks for programming that needs doing for the community to help with? There must be a few more coders in here?

While sharing the workload WILL have its problems, for instance the developers will need to error check and verify quite possibly many more things than their own current work.

It is a tricky see-saw to balance, that's for sure.

So, would sharing the work load with the community in the future be an option? If done right, I'm sure taking some of the work load of others, especially those 'crunching' ones involving finding one error in a large text file. THOSE are a git... Visual.NET taught me that...

Would work if the FL mod's "programming" was in code. Most of it is just INI work. The more complex stuff is handled in UTF files of various structures. Main issue with crowd programming is the complete impossibility to assign deadlines.
I think many people would jump at the chance to help out with 4.86. But we have the old "Mongolian Hordes" problem of software engineering... throwing more people at it just makes it take longer.

We (the plebs) would probably better serve the cause as alpha/beta testers.

ps. or filling out infocards;)
Once beta 1 hits, we'll definately want/need testers:)
' Wrote:ps. or filling out infocards;)

I think it would be great if Cannon posts his FLhook codes here so people could learn it and maybe help create or improve stuff.

Not sure if it may also help people abuse loopholes that become visible by looking at the code. Dont think so though.

I always wanted to get my eyes on the code that created the /setinfo player infocard so I could make the help system which I already started making the text for here:
' Wrote:Would work if the FL mod's "programming" was in code. Most of it is just INI work. The more complex stuff is handled in UTF files of various structures. Main issue with crowd programming is the complete impossibility to assign deadlines.
Them .ini files...

I remember trying to do a project that acted as a 'sorter' or finds the states of each nicknamed ship and displays the stats... There were way too many variables for my mind to comprehend to utilize with Visual.NET...
' Wrote:I think it would be great if Cannon posts his FLhook codes here so people could learn it and maybe help create or improve stuff.
What would be the point? Most of it is already public.
' Wrote:What would be the point? Most of it is already public.

Well for me the point would be that I could make the help system far enough that all Cannon would have to do is plug it in.

If Cannon's codes are already public, then where can I find them?
' Wrote:If Cannon's codes are already public, then where can I find them?
Inside the .zip or .7z which included the compiled ones. Most of them are here.

Edit: As for /setinfo, you can find that in flhook_plugin_1.6.1_discovery_release_8July2011/src/playercntl_plugin/src/PlayerInfo.cpp.
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