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Full Version: Kruger - call to engage?
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I have a question.

Me (freelancer ID) and my two friends (Corsairs) were in Omega 7. We wanted to rob some traders, so we just seat near the TL. After long fight between Hessian player and the Kruger with Rheiland Army they focused on us.

Rheiland Military forces could attack pirates within their Zone of Influency so there is no problem. But there is problem with Kruger player. We didnt have much time to scan everybody (there was about six players) for ID so we believe to their player tags in nick- Kruger. They cannot attack pirates at will but player *snip*
just called to engage us and opened fire.


This is violate of rules. He cannot call to engage. We wanted to speak with them and solved this problem in peace but Kruger tag in his name confused us. And this is violate of rules too, right, when he had tag of some faction and play for other.
If you think a violation has happened, report it in the correct subforum.

Otherwise, don't flame people on these forums.
This is trial by forum. think about it...

Edit: Ninja`d
The men above have the gist of it. Let's not single players out - file a report if you have something you think needs looking at. Tags alone often aren't enough to show someone's prescribed course of action - make sure you take a look at ID and IFF.

On that note, though, I do recall telling the Kruger players to untag their gunboats. I'd rather not have to ask a third time.