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I am wondering if flying a barge with a Zoners ID result in:
- not allowed to dock on planets (technical issue)
- not allowed to dock on stations inside House space (server rule issue) with exceptions stated on the ID.

if Barge are allowed to dock everywhere then technically can (no house space restriction, like in 4.85).

Thanks for your attention.
Erm, I have a Zoner ID barge and I follow all the rules on the ID.

Why wouldn't you?

Because you're cargo bay is 40k?

I dont see the reasoning behind a ship voiding ID rules =P
' Wrote:Why wouldn't you?
Because in 4.85 the barge did not follow the ID rule.
I think best to error on the side of caution here, folks. The Faction ID sets the tempo for everything else, doesn't matter what type of equipment you happen to use. The ID determines the core of the character insofar as equipment, encounters, activities, and yes docking restrictions. Just because it was done in the past does NOT mean it's okay. I assure you it isn't.

Much as I'd love to land my Zwhale on house bases, it just isn't going to happen. I can't see where a person could justify operating a barge, which clearly exceeds the cargo size limitation for the Zoner ID, in a fashion outside of the stated standard of that ID.

Love n' Lustre
