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Full Version: Freelancer bases-lacking depots
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The New Freelancer base have also no depots(according to companion, cannot go in game now), can you add there some?
Could you add some to Barrier gate too?
It is really hard to make freelancer reputation hostile(very useful in PvP in big ships vs Small ships using the closest target button- not possible with non-red targets)- it takes ton of time of searching NPCs and shoot them,most of the freelancer NPCs spawns are a way too far from the most faction ZoIs)
Adding depots will solve this easy and swiftly.
Thank you for your time Devs.
You have my support (if there are not already depots).

Having Freelancer hostile on your trade ships makes perfect sense, as many of them are pirate Id.
Yeah add Depots! Waaaay too hard to get FL rep red...
Please add this...every corsair will be happy!
Yes, this is good. Another alternative is negative bribes. Where we bribe NPCs to make a certain faction hostile.

But adding depots would simply be much easier.
But then you'll also need an ability to get freelancer bribe somewhere else, not only on freelancer bases, if you decide to make it non-hostile again.

Could we have in the new update?
It takes only 3 min to 5 min to add them using FL explorer:
[Image: screen2_BMP.jpg]
[Image: screen3_BMP.jpg]

The rep is also really easy to fix with them saving enormous time looking and killing FL NPCs:
[Image: screen5_BMP.jpg]
[Image: screen8_BMP.jpg]
One Depot is enough for one person to Rep.
Adding 2 groups of 3 Depots should be more then enough- both on Barrier and on the Research station in Koeln.
Depots. You guys mean those storage crates that you can blow up and snatch cargo from?

Sure, shouldn't be a problem to plop a few near Heisenberg and Barrier, loaded with water. I can also increase the Freelancer NPC density around those stations so you can just pew NPCs in the area. It'll have to wait till update 5 however, this came in too late for update 4.
It safes tons of time Repping.
And there is tactical problem problem too- you cannot use closest enemy button if the enemy are freelancer IFFed and they are neutral- many factions that face a large amount of such enemies have disadvantage- corsairs for example.
However you could also add a bribe for Freelancers to some of the junker bases because if you make them Red they stay red-there was a way to make them neutral with zoner rep but it was really hard one.
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