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Full Version: Accidentally was speeding for a minute :(
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Just wanted to publicly declare this...

I had been messing around in single player mode and had speed mod enabled, then forgot to disable it before I went online the next day. As soon as I realized I was moving 600 k/s, I landed on the nearest planet and logged off, quit freelancer, and disabled the speed mod. I'm pretty sure that excessive speeds get logged, so even though this was just a minute-long, minor mistake from which I gained no in-game advantage, I just wanted to come totally clean about what happened.

Noble. You did well.
This, I like. Like chopper said, you did excellent.
I can't find the link to the thread that explains this, but you also ought to delete the speed mod from FL Mod Manager completely. Depending on what version of the Mod Manager that you have, simply deactivating the speed mod may not be enough to prevent Disco's cheat software from nailing you.
Deleting the speed mod from your Mod Manager is your safest bet.

ships can have different stats in terms of thrusters. - take the camera ship:

- thruster speed 300
- cruise 350
- travelling speed 200

there was also a bug in beta 3, that made the thrusters drain like 20 times faster ( it emptied in 3 seconds ) - but thrusted the ship to 300. ( first i thought its a feature, but it turned out to be a bug - especially when you think of thrusting and E-killing )
The Camera thruster isn't any faster than other.. Still uses the same thruster as the other fighters.. Its simply that its impulse is at 200. Thruster just adds 120 to whatever your original speed was. Only difference is for GBs and Cruisers..

P.S. Probably a good thing the previous discussion that was here got deleted.. Oops..:unsure:
if you go faster than 420 your logged into the system as 420 is the reforming group speed and is the fastest you go. But the admins souldnt mind now youve admittted your mistake and you didnt try to profit from it.
Good to hear that you admit your fault, which should constitute an example for the shadowy buggers..