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Hello everyone.

I recently lost about 1000 hours worth of freelancer accounts in a HDD fail. I'm not worried about any credits or the odd Battleship. I just miss a few ships that had caracter to me and I have memories of (Sad I know, but hey).

I know the exact names of the important ones, I may even be able to tell you their exact loadouts.

I have no way of recovering any of them. I have sort of accepted that I've lost them, but wondered if there was any way of retrieving them, I can't imagine there is, but you never know.

Names, sir. I need names.
He heee.

Sorry to waist your time. I found them on a flash stick I retired from use about 3 years ago.

thanks for being so swift.

I just need to figure out how to get 4.86 working now.