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As per a majority vote of the CR HC, the Colonial Republic Player Faction is now Disbanded.

I had a nice post for this, but the power went out as I writing so... yeah, trolled by power failure.

Right, let's write this again.

You know, CR can be compared with the Vikings. When they were done conquering Britain, they either had to move on to conquer something else, or die. CR is the same thing, with the difference that Discovery doesn't allow such free diplomacy dynamics. We got what we wanted, and we no longer have any reason to be here. In our case, all we wanted was a Thanatos and a Kronos, and if Santa Igiss would of opened those eyes when B talked to him and considered it instead of just throwing a ‘yeah’, a little Tau House with our IMG buddies.

The attempt to turn neutral with Gallia failed because Dab stopped responding to my messages. Which is cool, after all, that was a nice move he pulled with Bretonia issuing an eviction order on CR. The grounds for that are kinda stupid, as I don't remember CR attacking any of Bretonia's Allies against Gallia, whoever those Allies are. The Outcasts maybe? Zoners?

As a last request, we'd like our ID to become Open, and our requests for the Faction Nerfs to be
considered by the Administration regardless of our decision to disband.

The problem with CR is that wherever you’d put them on the map, they don’t fit in with the picture. And believe me when I say that we thought about every possible solution. No matter where we are on the map, we’ll never achieve the degree of diplomatic balance the vanilla factions have. And this will probably never change, unless we become Zoners.

Just look at what ended up because of our endless fighting with the Outcasts. They’re a bunch of indies who won’t get 10k away from Malta. Yet they complain that there is no activity, just as they complained when there -was- activity in .85, and as they complained(I admit it, ingame) when we tried to bring some activity back. Look of what ended up being Tau in .85. I don’t need to explain it, you know it so damn well.

Also, we’ll be paying our debt to Liberty, to make sure that our actions regarding the problem with the IND/Liberty, and the trial won’t affect the faction that will take our place. Personally I’m hoping this will fix the problems with Bretonia, which I still don’t quite understand.

By the way, to whoever will try to make a new one, and I do mean a -new- Colonial Republic Faction, as in not reviving this one, regardless of who you are, I wish you good luck.

Another problem with CR, which was rooted deep to its core, is that were never welcomed here, starting with BSG. And none of the BSG leaders tried to fix that. And from good old Warhammer and Yngen, to Doom and Exile, to Panzer, B, Linkus and myself, that carried on regardless of how we tried to fix it. I'm mainly talking about the latter CR part.

So before going into my personal good bye part (for the sake of sparing a new thread for it), I’d like to blame the Discovery Mod and the Community, as a whole. Nobody in particular. I think every one of us had a part in this, big and small.

Personally, ever since Panzer left me in charge, I’ve joined as many factions that opposed the CR as my time allowed, and I’ve failed. God knows I tried my best to change the factions reputation, along with the members opinion on the opposing faction’s members, and so on. And I failed, and it ended up costing me a friend. Igor, I’m sorry. I truly truly am.

So, I’ve been here for 4 years. 3 I’ve spent in CR. I’ve seen people coming and going, I’ve seen people raging, I’ve raged myself, I’ve had faction members literally die, as in the case of Chev’s sister. This is way, way more than any faction, group, or guild should have to go through. It got to the point where I agreed with Panzer: I’m spending more time having to deal with stupidity then enjoying the game.

But most importantly, I’ve seen this Community eat itself up. And you’re laughing hysterically while you’re doing it.

Now, couple of people worth mentioning here.

To my Hellfire buddies, and Sam, I’m sorry to leave you to deal with it alone.
C.C., LaBrise was worth it. I enjoyed being a gangster.
Ench, what would I have done without your counseling. Keep making war, love.
Kaze, same as Ench. Keep at it.
Justin, if you ever need me, you know where to find me. That actually goes for everyone.
B, when you see this, don’t decide to call me and yell at me.
Alley. Thank you for being clear minded and trying to make a change. Know that it was worth it.
Igor, I’ve enjoyed every minute we spent talking, and shooting. I’m sorry I disappointed you.
Panzer, Reaper, Pav, Linkus, Jansen, Aeq, Shiro, Dashiell, Jason, Boris, Beagle, Bret, Chev, Sarah, Dane, Dodlike, Dutch, Xbow, Elay, Kaiwren, Johny, Nibbz, Rev, Vit, and everyone else who is or was in CR and I forgot him/her, I’m sorry it ended. We had a great run and I will forever cherish the time spent with each of you.

Edit: I forgot Del. Worth the mention, I only wish I would of met you earlier.

And that's it. We had a great run. I thank you all for bearing with us, for opposing us, for fighting us, for loving us, for hating us. I wish you the very best.

Edit 2: I forgot to add that in .87, there will be some changes to the Atlas and Pytho models, and a HF.
And in the next update, the IFF will change to Colonial Military. Which is fitting.

Until we meet again.
Whenever that may be.
God Damn, all the chats suddenly went quiet when I posted the link:)
For those we left behind, we move forward now:)

You were my ONLY "special" or exactly the ONLY faction I have ever joined. And I think it will stay that way for a long long time...
For those we left behind.

So say we all.

That is all there is to say for me now.
This is duly noted by the Admin team. As such we will move or remove all threads appropriately. You will be removed from the tracker. Rommie has been informed of what is now required of him.

On a personal note, good luck folks. It's been a ride of ups and downs. And though we've not always gotten along, will be sad to see some of you quit Disco altogether.
Well sadly to read such things

CR wasn't my favorite thing here

But damn....Kudos to all who bashed lolrans in T-37 and other places

[Image: 264px-CR_Logo.png]

"For those you've left behind"

Despite the CR-101st alliance to gank GRN, never hated you guys.

Sad to see you guys go...
Yes, this.

I'll be around to help with anyone that wants to do something with the NPC faction.
All options are open really, it's up to you to make something of it.

Just a word of advice though, don't remake the CR as it was. Or if you do, try different key members:P
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