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If you use /conn inside a player base, weird stuff will happen.
Undocked from player base to regular space.
Docked on another base.
Undocked in Conn.
Can't return per /return command
Not good.

after trying it for some time, it finally worked and i undocked 100k from the original playerbase.

Still: DON'T do it.
Thanks for letting everyone know this
But... I need. I need to see it by myself!

/edit: Crap, you're right.
' Wrote:But... I need. I need to see it by myself!

/edit: Crap, you're right.
I mean, seriously?
would like to add, that /return works not only when you are in need to leave connecticut.

To avoid abuse I would like to suggest to tie /return command to the conn, so it could be used only there. (or to each base in conn)