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The original write up

We all know there is a point in time where everyone sees something that makes them thing "OH NO THEY DIDN"T!"
Guess what... Yep. They did.

Question is,

How are you going to deal with it?

First of all, do you know what rage is?
It is the ball of anger building up inside you waiting to explode?
That is rage.

No. Stop.
Don't post that reply, fool.
'Coz that just isn't going to help.

Really, you keep that up and you will end up LOOKING mad.... Yep, just like this guy
And no, Im not being silly. You will!
See, this guy here --------------------------->
[Image: rageface150x150.jpg]

That ain't pretty.

All right, on a serious note. First things first.

Think about it.

Logically, this would be the first thing many people should do in any given situation, but emotional responses tend to interfere with logic.
  • Is it worth getting upset over?
  • Is it going to directly effect your real life?
  • Is it just a misunderstanding?
  • Is it really that much of a problem to make yourself look like generally a nasty person over?
"It isn't worth it, but I am still so angry!
So what do you want me to do then????"

There are really three simple steps. The easiest way to avoid a nasty situation is:
Start at the beginning.

Yep, that's all you need to do... Seriously.
Not only is it a survival instinct required to survive, it apparently also helps you calm down.

Funny how that works, right?

Don't hyperventilate, Just chill out and breathe.

If you need to, put some relaxing music on, beach sounds, whatever does it for you.

If that isn't working, then you need to make more of an effort


Just like those bathroom breaks, the annoying things that pull people away from the world of gaming.

Push the chair out from under the computer desk, move the laptop, netbook, Ipad, whatever you are using to access the game or forums (Naturally don't F1 or anything silly), and stand up and walk away.

It requires a lot of self control, and may take some work.

The most important advise you can possibly get

Not only is this good for your eyes, it tends to give the average person time to think and calm down.
When you are out of the general vicinity of the computer, it is rather easy.

Go into another room, or even better yet, outside and do something completely different, have a smoke and a coffee or play with the dog.

Go make a sandwich.
Really, have you ever met anyone angry with a sandwich......

[Image: tumblrlvuroqxxnm1qgik10.png]

Any tips or tricks you have to not rage on the forums aside from those mentioned here? Feel free to share.
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She's training me.... slowly but surely it's working.
Sandwhich rule is master rule.
Nyaaaaaargh! Nothing will be fixed until Mass Effect 3's Ending is:PAnd that includes your hair!
' Wrote:Nyaaaaaargh! Nothing will be fixed until Mass Effect 3's Ending is:PAnd that includes your hair!

Just 'coz I got asked to be a model for someone's 1920's hair/makeup portfolio:cool:
Your just jealous

True story bro.
This is why I'll marry soon.

Also, that is You on your avy girlie?

Smile lot!

That might be me.
It is her. And your bandit didn't work, Sarah:P
' Wrote:It is her. And your bandit didn't work, Sarah:P

Use your i[color=#990000]magination and it did.
My avatar is me.:smile2:
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