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A couple of small change requests to the weapons animations.

First, it would be nice if the Liberty gunboat forward gun used the same animation as the LSC forward gun. This would give them a bit of commonality. If its not possible to reuse the animiation due to sizing or whatever, maybe reuse the Diamondback codename, since it looks somewhat similar. One other note, the current effect is reused by the Orca and GRN gunboat forward guns so those would need to be renamed.

The other thing is I'd like to see the Rheinland gunboat and cruiser turrets simplified (and maybe the BS turrets too, but I dont have a turtle so I dont know). Right now they use the same animation as the Cerberus gunboat and cruiser turrets (and the "Charon" transport turret), and although the animation works okay for turrets that are infrequently used, it is not pleasant to use them with the primary turrets. Specifically it is difficult to tell them apart, so you never quite know which turrets are making contact with the target and how to adjust. Second, the large projectile animation blocks the "impact" animation, so it is hard to tell when you are hitting the target, and therefore hard to compensate and correct. What I'd like to see would be a projectile that is similar to the Solaris codename, since that is simple and easy to see. Note that all of the other house gunboats have small and streamlined projectiles similar to this, so this proposal would just make Rhenland gunboat and cruiser turrets the same as the others.

I've experimented with some of this stuff locally but there are many layers to the INI files and ALE files so this stuff has to be changed at the mod source for it to work.

I like the idea of the Liberty gunboat gun change for sure.

And as for the Rheinland turrets... not sure what to say just yet, personally I would have rather seen the Cerberus gun effect changed than the Rheinland Military turret one. I rather like it as is, but perhaps it could be scaled down slightly if it is actually causing an issue? I have never flown an RMGB though so I dunno if it is bad or not.
I agree with the LibertyGB forward gun effect change, though the Diamondback-fx would of course need some re-coloring to fit as Liberty-style gun.

As for the Rheinland guns, you are right, too, but Solaris fx ? I can't agree on it. Why don't get all the cerbs replaced with something similar to the BSCerb (just scaled down) ?
' Wrote:As for the Rheinland guns, you are right, too, but Solaris fx ? I can't agree on it. Why don't get all the cerbs replaced with something similar to the BSCerb (just scaled down) ?
I want something plain for the regular turrets, so I can see the impacts and adjust accordingly. The cerb effects are all too busy for this. All of the other houses have simple effects, and the solaris codename effect is also simple, but really anything will work as long as its not too busy.

Also I think the battleship cerb should be used for the Heavy Mortar animation. It already looks like a bigger version of the LM.

So yeah, take the BS cerb animation and use it for LM animation, then take the Rheinland bs|cruiser|gunboat turret animation and use them for the respective cerberus animations, and then use something simple like colored Liberty primary turrets for the Rheinland primary turrets. Easier to see impacts on regular turret fire, cerbs look like specials instead of beefed Rheinlander weaps, and the HM looks like a big version of the LM.